DId anyone start with NUMB toes BEFORE it turned to burning?

Hi Alina,

I have ANS dysfunction but find my symptoms fluctuate. Severity on a daily basis very influenced by my fatigue, stress , what i eat and other factors such as environmental heat/cold. I monitor my BP, do toxicity test on all foodstuff , note my biorhythms and keep a diary of symptoms/ flares /pain.

Maybe you could keep a record and present your specialist with it

God bless


EM is small fiber neuropathy


Autonomic dysfunction in mylagia


This part was missing for some reason.?

I agree with all of you that small fiber neuropathy is not intermittent, since it involves degeneration of small nerve fibers. But EM symptoms can be continuous and intermittent. I suffered continuous flaring before sodium channel blockers.

Many cases of EM and Raynauds found linked to SFN. Current research shows this to be the case - especially primary .

Ill upload research on this for us when you post topic ;)

I was diagnosed SFN through the sweat test, QST and skin biopsy in UK

EM/ Raynauds was diagnosed by quantitative sensory testing (QST)( thermal test ) , and skin biopsy (heat allergy/chronic urticuaria),a pain/symptom diary and mountain of photos. I also induced a flare in front of their eyes- was wonderful to behold the shock ;)


270-DiagnosingSFNviaskinbiopsy.pdf (45 KB) 271-DiagnosticcriteriaforSFN.pdf (736 KB)

The cornell lab in ny is where they sent my skin biopsy and that is the only lab that has a normative data collection. They compare your sample to others that are the same age and sex. Em I was told was diagnosed by a history exam findings. And that is a symptom not a disease.

hi Jen,

thank you.


Jen said:

A specialized skin biopsy and an autonomic function test was used for diagnosis. Here is a good article about it. Good luck. Let me know how you make out!