Dear LWE members, I have a question about ayurvedic medicine. Here is story before my question:
I sent my health story (including EM with my facial pictures and blood tests etc. besides allergic asthma problem) to one of my friend who is pharmacist. He wrote to his friend to ask her opinion. She is also a pharmacist and currently works for a company producing Ayurvedic medical and cosmetic treatments.
She wrote this: "Without hesitation she has immunifacient with skin, mucosal defects may be it is enzymatic genetic problem. Nevertheless until it is diagnosed by a genetic department, I suggest to give her immediately Freebreeze9.1 three times a day. It will relief her pain problems as it has a very strong anti- inflammatory action. Also it helps in asthma as you know."
Have you ever heard this ayurvedic medicine? Active ingredient is ferula asafoetida which is a herbaceous plant. Do you have any experience with such medicines?
Great topic! Thank you. Im sure our members will be interested in reading about your experiences with this herbaceous plant 'asafoetida' .Members have discussed polyherbacy in several posts -past few years. Mod team will be posting some links to information on this later today. Big hug x
I am sure I have seen ferula asafoetida growing at Kew, our national treasure botanic garden which I am fortunate to live close to. I have asafoetida in my spice rack too!
The clue is in the name
adjective: foetid
smelling extremely unpleasant.
"the fetid water of the marsh"
synonyms: stinking, smelly, foul-smelling, evil-smelling, malodorous, stinking to high heaven, reeking, pungent, acrid, high, rank, foul, unpleasant, nasty, noxious; More…
I am sorry but I could not really say if it worked or not. I started to take it on March and I used it for three months. One of the dermotologist finally decided to follow me, she told me to quit it. She said that my immune system overreacted and she wanted to avoid this kind of medicines. Besides this, during these three months, I had cold several times. Whenever I got cold, EM stopped. I had also allergic rinitis in the spring. This ayurvedic medicine supposed to use instead of antihistaminics. Since it did not work for developing urticaria on my face and neck, I had to use antihistaminics. It was also suggested to put on the pustules, but I did not see any difference.
If you asked me about the side effects that I observed, my answer would be "no".
I don't know if this answer will be helpful for you.
Have a good luck!
brenda80 said:
I Am curiosa of it worked? I live in Holland and thick kind of therapie is oneens of my optioneel. . Like to hear it. X bren