Can EM cause heavy leg sensation?

Recently, I have had a very heavy sensation in my legs that makes it very difficult to lift my legs and walk. It has happened three times in the past couple of weeks. I didn’t feel any numbness or tingling, just heaviness. Other than EM, I am very healthy (as far as I know). Could this feeling be caused by EM? Has anyone else had this happen?

My legs get clumsey sometimes and ache at night. I have to get up and walk around or I can’t sleep. Very annoying

My legs get like this quite often. Almost like they are too fatigued to work anymore. My doctor has given me B12 injections (10ml) once every 3 month (or sooner if I need it) to assist with this lethargic feeling…

I haven’t had that (hopefully NOT something to look forward to) but the few years before my EM got really bad, I would have what I would call restless leg syndrome and my knees would ache when I laid down. I tried the RLS drugs (even Gabapentin) but they didn’t help so I just quit taking them.
Then I went to see my OB for an annual and she said she’d just come from a seminar where they were talking about how something similar could be caused from low iron in pregnant women. Well every year my blood work from my Rheumy would come back “slightly anemic”. She said anemia can actually be caused from low vitamin D or low iron and I should have the blood work done to figure out which low iron I had. Well screw that and the $1000 bill that would result, My SIL who is a nurse practitioner said living in MI I should be taking Vit D anyway, so I started taking D & Iron and all my leg & knee problems went away within a few days. I was a happy camper until my EM went haywire. So just wondering if you have any anemia issues?

I have had anemia in recent years. However, in the past year my iron levels have been high. I am not taking an iron supplement, so not sure what’s going on there.

Hi there Marci

I’ve just been reading your post from a few years back, can I ask if you ever found the cause of your heavy legs?

Every night for the past 2 weeks I’ve had a very heavy feeling in the early hours till I actually get out of bed. I haven’t been officially diagnosed with em but the Dr says my pictures and symptoms seem very likely. I’ve had nerve study tests and thankfully all looked OK, yet I still get burning pain followed by this awful heavy feeling from knees to toes through the night, every night.

Hope you’ve found answers and are not still suffering. :hugs::hugs: