Coping with fatigue and major flare up free!

Hi, i have now been major flare free for a year now and wanted to share with you what i am taking which has helped me!
I take 30mg Duloxetine in the morning and 30mg Nortriptyline at night. Although i still have the burning feet at times it is nothing like as severe as it used to be. I suffer with my feet, hands and have IBS as a result of the condition. I have been on a range of medication over the years and my pain specialist has been fantastic. I live in Nottingham, UK.
However, even though i am sleeping better i have had dreadful bouts of fatigue, so bad that i struggled to function. I would come home from work and need at least an hour sleep before i could do anything. I had a full scan of blood tests to check that there wasn’t something wrong and they came back all clear. My pain doctor wondered whether it was my medication and we have played about with the amount i take but that made no difference to the fatigue, only to the erythromelalgia. I am now being assessed for chronic fatigue syndrome. I live a healthy lifestyle, i exercise, eat well, drink plenty of water so i just didn’t know, neither did the Dr, what to do next.
However, I believe that i have now found the answer to my fatigue and IBS and i feel a different person!!! I was talking to my work colleagues about the fatigue and one of them was a Forever business owner and suggested i try some of their aloe vera products which were known to help with digestive issues, tiredness and lack of energy. Desperate to try anything i started on taking a shot of aloe vera gel once a day and bee pollen natural supplements twice a day. Within 2 weeks i started to realize that i wasn’t as tired and even managed some evenings not to have to have an evening sleep. Then just under 4 weeks i felt energized, motivated to want to do more things and just felt so much more positive. People also said that i almost glowed, when you are not permanently exhausted i am not surprised i look as well as i feel so much better. For me this combination of pure aloe products, many products apparently on the market are not made from the inner leaf aloe but from the outer leaf which is not nearly as effective so beware when looking at products, has improved my wellbeing no end which i know living with our condition any small improvement is huge!
I must tell you that because i believe so strongly in the products i am also now a Forever business owner, partly so that i get 35% of all the products but i also want to be able to let others know that there are ways of improving your wellbeing. I wanted you to know that i am a business owner because i don’t want you to think that this is just a cheap push to sell my products. I have been a member of this forum for a few years now and it has helped support me through many a lonely night when nobody is aware that you are up and pacing for hours on end whilst they sleep and i wanted to repay back in some way the advice and help i have had. Reading your messages of hope, trials and tribulations maked me feel that i wasn’t the only one! I would be really happy to give you more information on any of the products that might help other ailments that you have as a part of the condition or separate.
Best wishes, Jo

Hi Jo, we’re all glad to hear you are doing so much better.

No problem with mentioning your experience with the Forever products but please remind yourself of our Site Guidelines and don’t fall in to the trap of promoting or prescribing: Mission and Rules at Living With Erythromelalgia

Thanks. JulesG from ModSupport Team

Thank you for alerting me to this. I have amended the chat so that it doesn’t mention myself as a distributor just the products and medication that i have used and have found works for me.RegardsJo Hawker