EM treatment "Bob's protocol"

Hi! I am just wondering how ur doing? Is it progressing to the good? Is it better every month? :slight_smile:

No medication worked and the protocol does. What can I say I am living proof and there are many that can testify to it. I flare still yes. But I come out by myself with no cooling products and I also can shower now, yes I flare their too but less painful. I no longer flare with all foods. Just a few. I am not 24/7 flare. Things are much better with the protocol. It has be done daily though. It will never go away. But this does make things better. Considering I was in a 24/7 flare for over a year and pretty severe. I am not like that anymore but still have to maintain the fluctuation in temps. I am able to drive with one size bigger boots with no socks. Before was barefoot. Of course, the flip flops are right next to me to if needed they come off and flip flops on. Have you tried this or are you thinking of it? Go on facebook “Fight fire with Fire” private group and read. Wishing you the best.

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I tried for a few days but it made me much worse.

I have heard that the Protocol makes you worse the first few weeks, and then it gets better.

How much worse is it for you?

It was horrible: pain increased flares

It does unfortunately the first week is tough for all of us.

Here is the video for Bob’s Protocol of five of us with EM giving our testimonies on why we have EM, how bad our EM was, how we did protocol and how we still do, improvements it made. Remember we are not doctors. We are just individuals with EM who tried this protocol with desperation as we were suffering so badly with no help of medications. As with any treatment you are advised to talk to your doctor first, show him this video so has a better understanding of the protocol and if you get his ok to try it, try it and talk to those who are doing it for support. The video says where to join for support for protocol or more information. I can’t tell you enough how it has helped me. It has been a life saver for me and gave me some of my life back. I went from elevating in a chair in a 24/7 flare and now I can be up and about more and more. No more elevating. Some of my life back. You might be asking what do they get for this? Here’s the answer. Nothing but pure joy if we hear that you too got some of your life back. We are all in this together. We help each other by suggestions and we learn from each other. So with that being said I truly hope that some of you get the go ahead from your doctor to try and then you tell me in weeks to come you see improvements!!! Good luck everyone !!!

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Hi Paula,
This was such a wonderful video to put together and offer the EM community! Thank you for yours and everyone else’s efforts. I hope it can offer many people the same relief and I wish you and the other participants continued success!

Hi Paula,
Thanks so much me the video. I started protocol about a year ago plus acupuncture 1 x a week. The results have been more than amazing. I am able to wear shoes, hike, and lead a fairly normal life. After being nearly totally house bound.
Thanks so much for sharing.

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Thank you Sue !!! Everyone just wants to share what has helped them. How can we not share something that has given us our life back. Our hopes that others are helped just the same if not even more. Hope you are doing well.

That is great news Joan !!! So happy for you !!! This is the goal behind the video to help as many as it can. You do acupuncture and may I ask how they do it? Are they doing your legs? I thought about doing it. I cannot hike yet. I can walk some but I went for a walk in the woods and after 15 minutes it started in the shoes. I think I need to force myself to wear socks and shoes and walk more then I do. I know others did this after soaking while in a super flare and they seem to be better than I.
Wishing you the best and so happy you have your life back !! Woohoo!

Hi Paula, the acupuncturist I go to is Amber Bonito. She’s at AB acupuncture. The number is 619-■■■■. She also has a website you can look up and read about. I had read an article about people going to acupuncture for hot flashes and so I asked her if she could treat me and cause my body to run cooler. Long story short, the results have been amazing. If you have the availability to go to acupuncture I can’t recommend it enough. There’s also another girl that I met on the website that lives in San Diego that’s now going to her as well and is getting relief. It’s not something that happened overnight, I have gone consistently now once a week for a year. After about three months my body took a turn and started to get better. My vascular system is pretty much normal now and all the broken capillaries and blisters that used to cover my feet are gone and healed. I am in shoes and socks for many hours in the morning now. And am able to wear hiking boots and hike. They will burn but once I take my socks and shoes off they recover on their own in about 20 minutes. This is something that never would have happened before. I had become pretty much housebound sitting on the couch with my feet elevated with a fan blowing on them 24/7. The best part is I am now drug free! I also watch my diet and try and stay away from any foods that are known to be vasodilators. If you choose to go to acupuncture Amber has graciously agreed to speak with any acupuncturists and share with them the points she treats on me. Best of luck Joan

Thats some incredible news, but how is ur feet during the summermonths? Do they flare, or can you live fairly normal there?

The Improvement in my feet has been monumental. I credit this to the combination of doing Bob’s protocol and going to acupuncture. My flares have been have become very minimal but the best part is my recovery time is usually within 5 to 10 minutes. This is something new. I also use essential oils and keep my diet free of vasil dilators


So during the summers, you dont flare at all? Ur feet and toes are completely normal?

I didn’t say my feet don’t flare what I said is that the flares have gone from being extreme, painful, unbearable to the point where I had to put them in cold water and couldn’t be out and about to where now it’s just a very small discomfort. Once they do flare the flare will generally subside on its own within 10 minutes if I remove my shoes or sit down. Nothing like it used to be. If I do nothing at all and just hang around my house I have no flares

Be persistent, don’t give up, find what works for you so that you can get better. This is what has worked for me

That is great! Thank you for the information ! I was told to try acupuncture for nausea so maybe I can treat everything and see.