
I just saw this new product from https://embrlabs.com

It is a device that you wear on your wrist that warms you up or cools you down. Might be something to try. They have a 30 day money back guarantee.

I have too much going on right now to try it, but thought it might help you.

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Hi folks.
I have been in contact with the EMBR labs folks for a couple of years now. I tried their BETA version along with a couple of other people from The Erythromelalgia Association. in summary, we found that the interval of cooling was too short to make any difference in flare activity. The bracelet just became warm along with our hands/feet. However, the newest version and software that recently came out does allow for a longer interval which may be much more helpful. In principle, it should be somewhat helpful. I have received my WAVE bracelet and haven’t had time to download the new software. I will let EM folks know what I find. I a a researcher so I want to test it out systematically. The people at EMBR are very nice people and they are interested in helping people with EM, so will continue to work with them.

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Do you have any feedback now?

I haven’t followed through with the EMBR folks for some time now. They’ve been doing a lot of research lately. So, it might be a good time for sometime to look at their work. It wasn’t useful for me, but some people with less severe EM might find it helpful in cooling off which, in turn, could reduce their symptoms.