Gabapentin and Effexor ER

Am getting amazing relief from the combination of 800x3 mg of gabapentin and 150 mg of the generic for effexor ER (venlafaxine ER). I can wear shoes again, walk, no cooling. I am no longer concentrating on my feet 24/7. No side effects for me. Hope this helps someone else to get similar relief. I’m going to be able to travel again!


so glad to hear that!

i’ve been on effexor for 10 months. been slowly increasing. just started gabapentin 4 days ago and i feel something has ‘shifted’. my neuropathy had been unbearable prior to starting … and although it is still there, it’s not as painful. more duller sensations than stabbing. my burning is still present but i almost feel like my body is trying to fight it off. it doesn’t intensify as quickly

i have lots of side effects … however, they seem less life altering than the agony i was in.

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I am soo pleased for you, I would like nothing better than going on a trip to see family in the UK. Please let us know if it keeps improving and my fingers are crossed for you.

unfortunately i can’t tolerate gaba. i was walking into walls, lost my balance several times, was using the wrong words… the list goes on. i felt crazy.