
I tried the Nortriptyline and started screwing up right and left at work, confusing files, etc. I thought I was have the quickest onset of senility ever. One screw up costs ME a significant amount of money and I was done with that stuff. I hadn’t noticed any improvement anyway.

Hi, jswilcox2. Sorry about the belated response. I haven’t been to the LWE site for a long time because—I’m thrilled to say—mine is under control, for no reason I can fathom. But in response to your reaction to Nortriptyline, I think the unfortunate effects were muted for me because I ramped up VERY slowly. I still take 60 mg a night, along with Gabapentin, and I do okay on it. But I have to admit that since beginning those medications four years ago (because of peripheral neuropathy), my mental processing has indeed slowed down, and I’m a bit more forgetful. I’m also 70 years old, so the medication may not be mostly responsible, but my neurologist says it IS partly to blame. So it’s a trade-off, pain relief for brain decline.

Hope you’ve found a better regimen since the Nortriptyline disaster!


I first started taking this med about 10 years ago on a lower dose to start for severe nerve pain in both arms. The main side effect that I had and still have is being very tired especially in the beginning. It does get better but still have to fight the tired at times. I have still not been diagnosed with EM yet and the gabapentin doesn’t help me with flares not sure if it’s my body and or being on it so long.