Dear all,
My name is Marlous, I am a 36 year old woman, born and raised in the Netherlands.
For the last 15 years I have suffered from inflammation on my feet at times of heat and stress. It was not until last year that I was diagnosed with EM. A couple of months ago, I got really sick due to several food allergies. Feeling better with antihistaminic, I continued my search for EM. I was diagnosed again with primary EM in the Amsterdam Medical Center, a couple of months ago.
I knew that I would have to start medication, but I was a little bit scared to do so…
It is very important to share that I did not suffer from any pains, other than some numb feeling in my feet. I have read here that some patients suffer from pain, whilst others do not!
As many of us, I got very interested in the information that Dr Jay Cohen put in the internet. As he claimed to have cured himself with magnesium and some herbs. I started looking into this and I came to the conclusion that many triggers of the EM were caused by products/situations that just pushed the magnesium out of your body. Alcohol, coffee, stress, heat, sweat, just all of it!
The search for the right magnesium was not easy. It took some time before I learned that a lot of forms are just not good for the body. Most people get stomach issues by taking magnesium oxide, whilst it does not do a lot for the body.
I started using magnesium chloride flakes and spay on my skin and I started feeling better immediately!
My focus was really simple, our bodies work as follows. Calcium regulates muscles and blood vessels contraction and magnesium does the opposite: it makes sure that the muscles and blood vessels can relax again. The two are working together. The more calcium in the body, the more magnesium it needs to keep the system up. I read on this forum that some of you got prescription to take calcium and magnesium together. I even read that one suffered from sickness after the calcium, to this might be a clue.
Due to many reasons a lot of us suffer from too much calcium in the body and not enough magnesium. Unfortunately, this is not easy to test, since only 1% of magnesium can be found in the blood.
When I started checking how much calcium I was eating I suddenly realized what was going on. The list of products high on calcium contained all products that I was tested on for allergies!
Reading about magnesium, I have learned that you need some vitamins to make sure it will reach the cells. Vitamins as D3, B6 I have had enough. But I was really interested in malic acid. It seems that patients with CVS and fibromyalgia were getting good results by taking magnesium and malic acid together.
So, for the last 10 days I have changed almost everything. I stopped eating dairy products, nuts and dried fruits. I started taking baths with the magnesium flakes and sprayed the oil on my skin twice a day. And I started taking high doses of malic acid.
The way my body is improving is just incredible. My energy is back, I am just feeling good. Yesterday I took a bath of 40 degrees Celsius and my skin did not change its color!!!!!
Of course, I will have to go back to the hospital to get tested again. And I am for example not sure if the malic acid is helping me or not. Therefor it is too early. But I really felt like sharing this information with you at this early stage to see if someone recognizes this story! In my case I have the feeling that 'my EM' was due to unbalanced calcium:magnesium levels in my body...
Hope to hear from you!
Best regards,