
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone suffers with lingering headaches? I get headaches that can last for weeks. I am dealing with one know. It’s been going on to week 3. I am miserable. I have an appointment with a neurologist on August 2. I called back today and was put on a cancellation list. I am also dealing with very hot weather so my feet and hands are not liking it either. It’s always one thing or another. I was just wondering if anyone also dealt with headaches that last forever especially when EM is active.

Could your headaches be from dehydration? I had a lingering headache last year and went into the hospital where they rehydrated me via a drip, and the headache was gone. I always try to drink more water now when I have a headache.

I try to drink a lot of water but I guess anything is possible. I will try and increase my water intake. These headaches are driving me bananas. Thank you for responding! :blush::blush:

Hi Karrick, I hear ya! For 30 yrs I had migraines (12-22 a month). Now they are transformed to an ache in my forehead to the entire top of my head. Amazing, because of my EM medication they are rare. HOWEVER last week I had one that lasted about a week. It would fade away for a while and then come back. Shots of Imitrex would help for a few hours only. The last day, I didn’t hold my food down. After being sick all day, the headache was GONE and hasn’t come back. Go figure. This is just to say many EMers have previous headache history. I so hope yours improves, too. The burning in my palms has been helped by the Lyrica (I think). I hope you have a burn free day. Patricia

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