IPL treatment when having EM?


My name is Maaike, 39 years old Dutch woman from The Netherlands.

Since spring this year I developed symptoms that seems like EM. I already had very cold hands during winter time but now I started to get extremely painful and burning skin symptoms on my face, hands, arms, shoulders, neck and upperlegs. My feet not so much, that’s the weird thing. I’m still being researched at an academic hospital but the current bloodtests don’t show anything that can be the cause. I also have rosacea and migraines for a long time now.

Apart from this I wonder if anyone has ever did an cosmetic treatment with IPL laser?
I want to remove freckles, actually did an test patch on my arm and strangely enough that area of my skin felt more relieved since.
But I’m a little scared to follow through the treatment on the rest of my arms/hands.

So, has anyone experience with such an cosmetic treatment? And could it be true that it actually relieves the EM?

Best regards,
