IV ketamine treatment. So far beneficial

I just finished a second round of IV ketamine. My first was back in June 2021 and i did 5 days in a row. It seemed to really help. Shower water didn’t hurt. The heat wave was actually tolerable. I could walk further. It lasted about 4 weeks. I just had my “booster” infusion. This was 2 days long and I have relief again.
I previously failed oral medication, nerve blocks etc. My next option if this failed would have been to consider upper and lower spinal nerve stimulator so I am very pleased so far with results.

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I’m so glad the ketamine helped you. Did you have the 5 day protocol in the hospital?
I’m in Toronto and I was the first person with EM to have the ketamine treatment. They would only approve 1 day in order to see whether or not I had any relief. Unfortunately, I had no relief and I was a zombie for 8 days. I couldn’t focus or concentrate and the pounding in my head was unbearable.
Do you know anyone who has had any success with spinal cord stimulation?

I did the 5 day protocol outpatient. The ketamine wears off instantly, so I wonder if it was maybe the versed or benzo they gave you for side effects that made you feel like a zombie. I know the versed made me feel super drowsy. I did not feel much the first day either. It was not till about day 3 when I could start to feel a difference.
I do not know of anyone who has tried the spinal cord stimulator.

How often will you get this treatment?

Interesting to hear and read, I actually have received the same suggestion from a private hospital which I visited yesterday. So happy I have finally found some medical specialist who can actually start talking about treatments, instead of the frustrating waiting list at the hospital I got for 12 months until someone can actually start taking some SF test on me. They suggested to me a Ketanest infusion for one day to start, which seems to work very well as an equivalent against Capsaïcine plasters treatment for patients having symptoms related to neurological complaints like tingling, burning feet and numbness. I also got some capsaicine creme to put on my feet daily, to see if that helps.

Right now every 6-8 weeks.

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