I am in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I can see from many that many of you are in the states but figured that I would put in here my favourite doctor. For me it is my family doctor who diagnosed me from an old textbook on a hunch that ended up fitting perfectly and he has worked with me ever since to help. So far we have been lucky that I take Lyrica at night and then if I do get a flare up then I have the strongest asprin out there to take when needed. He is extremely supportive and never brushes off anything when I come in. When we first started I brought him many suggestions of medications from this site and others and we discussed the benefits and cons and then choose one together. He is like this with everything we do so I wasn't surprised. Unfortunately, since he is so great his practice is full but hopefully at some point there may be room. His name is Dr. Robert Carter and he works at the Gateway Medical Clinic. I lucked upon a great doctor many years ago and had the foresight to stick with him.
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I am in Fairbanks/North Pole Alaska. There are no doctors. I have been to Mayo in AZ and they did not help. I am trying to get into Dr. Gardner the U of Washington. He diagnoised me over the phone a year and a half ago. I was hoping he was wrong. He was not. Now I am trying to get in to see him. He is the closest dr to me that knows anything as far as I know. You must have a referral from your doctor to see him. Anyone in the Washington/Oregon area this would be great. A little far for me. It does take 3-4 months before you can see him. His info is below.
Gregory C. Gardner, M.D., FACP
The Bruce C. Gilliland, M.D.-Lucile T. Henderson
Endowed Professor in Rheumatology
Adjunct Professor of Orthopaedics and Sports
Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine
Fellowship Program Director
Division of Rheumatology
1959 NE Pacific St, Box 356428
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206-543-3414
Fax: 206-685-9397
I also found a wonderful doctor. He is old school, when doctors cared more about the patient instead of the money. His name is Dr. Barry Bass in Houston/Tomball, Texas. He is very knowledgeable and has treated lots of patients with EM, RSD, and CRPS. These are all very similar and he told me that is very easy to be miss diagnosed. Hope this helps someone.
Hi @Julie_Sheffer I hope this is ok to ask. Was he able to determine the cause of your EM and get it under control? This dr is very close to me!!! We are practically neighbors I guess if he does have experience with this I think I’ll make an appt even if it is out of network.