Need a pharmacy to compound Midodrine cream

My neurologist wants me to try Mayo Clinic’s midodrine cream, but we can’t find a pharmacy in my state to compound it for me. If anyone can share with me the name, phone number, & city of their pharmacy if it compounds the cream for you (& cost), I’d be very grateful.
After I collect this information, I will submit it to our moderator to post under Useful Resources, so please send me the information whether you live in United States or not. Thank you!
Beth L.

Even if your compounding pharmacy does not ship medications out-of-state, please send me your information as it could help someone within your state.
Beth L.

Is anyone still wondering about getting Midodrine topical for their Erythromelalgia? I used it here in Iowa and it was shipped from Coralville, which is next to Iowa City. The pharmacy didn’t do the insurance coverage paperwork on it so I paid for it. It was over $100 and to used for one month. It did help. The biopsy wounds on one foot had been unhealed after 5 months but quickly began to heal during the month I used Midodrine. The EM improved but I feel like stopping the use has allowed it to “come back” and the wounds did not continue to heal but may be staying the same. I don’t know if use of Midodrine is dangerous over a long time but it seems I should have used it for another month?