Seeking Doctor in the Illinois or St. Louis area

iI you type this it should take you there...I tried downloading it & ran into some trouble..So hope this will get you there. It has articles & what meds are given or prescribed to take for red ear syndrome...This might help some..Take Care.

Thanks, Caressa, for the information and for the link to the article. I have seen that article before but it can't hurt to read it again and see if there is something I missed the previous times I've read it. Also, I have already been to a specialist at Washington University and, sad to say, he couldn't help me either. That doesn't mean there isn't a doctor down there who might be able to help you. It would be worth it to research and check it out. As far as Mayo's goes, the dermatologist and now my PCP feel that they can't help anymore and I do have an appt. to go to Mayo's but from what I've heard from those who have been there, if I have the diagnosis, there is really no need to go up there so I'm working on figuring out what to do...whether to go or not. Decision needs to be made very soon since the appt. is coming up very quickly. Thank you for your message, links, and prayers. They are all greatly appreciated and I hope you are able to find some help as well. Research on our own is the best thing we can do and then we have to find a doctor who is willing to work with you on the trial and error method of finding what works for each of us. Take care!

I had an interesting conversation with someone who went to Mayo's and their insurance, which is the same as what I have, only covered a few dollars from his visit but he mentioned that they would have covered his visits at the Cleveland Clinic at 100% so I'm definitely going to check this out. I'm glad you mentioned it to me now, even though it is a little bit farther.

Janna said:

I appreciate you sending me the link but Ohio is quite a distance from where I live but I'll keep it in mind.

Nel said:

I expect you have already done all the research and I am merely being irritating, but is this any use: Erythromelalgia is on their list.