
My whole life I have been able to swallow numerous pills and vitamins I.e., 5-7 with one mouthful of water and one swallow. About 6 weeks ago, I nearly choked and with only 2 Norgesic (size of round white panadol). I took both out and then tried to swallow one pill; no good. Now I have to halve the tablets and I concentrate to get it done with a whole glass of water. I also now find it very hard to swallow. Anybody else heard of this?

Also, the tips if my fingers ache like n electronic burn when using phone buttons etc. I swipe now or use a stylus.

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Yes I have that issue…Not sure if it’s related to my thyroid nodules but that’s the question the Endocrine doctor asks me every time if it’s hard to swallow. I am fine with food as long as I have water but pills are really hard for me to swallow. I am nervous every time.

I think it is an EM issue. I am having day surgery on Wed to have the swallowing issue investigated. Will keep you informed.

Don’t know what photos mean yet. Have to wait for GP to get report.

Right, have hiatus hernia.

I have swallowing issues and tracked my symptoms. It doesn’t matter if it is food or liquid, it gets trapped in my esophagus if it is too hot. I had an upper GI done and the doctor found nothing wrong…so he thinks it must be neurological. I’m just on the waiting list at Mayo to see what I can do to remedy this. It is scary and painful.

Just a thought - have you + your docs ruled out Sjogren’s? Can be associated with burning mouth / swallowing issues and neuropathy (autoimmune).

According to a published letter a couple moths ago, the antiSSA blood test might not be enough - “Given these prevalent neurologic symptoms and the absence of antibodies against Sjögren’s
syndrome–related antigen A (anti-SSA) in 60% of
the patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome and
small-fiber polyneuropathy,2
salivary-gland biopsy
is an important consideration in patients with
otherwise unexplained small-fiber polyneuropathy”

from https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMc1804598

I hope you get answers soon and Mayo is not too long of a wait.