Vertigo and EM

I am new to EM and to this community. I am grateful to read these shared stories and symptoms. My onset of EM started in the last three months. It was initially aching flares in my feet and knees (simultaneously) and now is recurring daily. Purple feet during day while sitting, red swollen and warm/aching uncomfortable feet in the evenings through morning, and then splotchiness from flares on top of feet in morning. I also experienced vertigo recently for five days. I have longstanding rosacea and asthma and occasional migraines with aura. I am very curious if others with EM have experienced vertigo. The vertigo was so unusual, I woke up with it one morning and it diminished some each passing day but was difficult, the EM symptoms were present during the days of vertigo. When vertigo passed, EM symptoms appeared afterwards more significantly. Thank you for any feedback.

Hello SunnyDay,

I have episodes of vertigo as well. I had a long episode that lasted several weeks prior to EM and continue to have them on and off. Sorry I can’t offer insight as to whether they are related or not. I agree that vertigo is very difficult to deal with! Mine seems to be evoked by certain head movements, bending over or tilting head backwards. I would suggest checking into any medications you are taking and discussing with your Dr. to rule out causes.

Thank you for the feedback Machel. I spoke with my doctor (dermatologist who diagnosed EM) and she thinks the vertigo symptoms and also what appear to be POTS symptoms may be related. She is unsure if they are related to EM or are occurring separately. I am seeing a Rheumatologist next. I did the vertigo exercises with help from YouTube and that helped bring some relief. I am not on any medications but learned there is some family history of vertigo which is interesting. Thank you again for your feedback!

i have vertigo migraines as well i am new here… i am not doing well. are you on any medications has anyting helped