I have had a rough few weeks with my flares. I always get flares as the summer turns to autumn in the UK. I usually predominantly get the worst flares in my hands and just a little in my feet but this time it has been mainly my feet. I have purchased new slippers and new wide fitting memory foam sketchers but I am struggling with walking. The pain is mainly in the balls of my feet. Even when I am not flaring my feet are left swollen so the pressure on the swelling hurts.
I have been trying to walk on them but am struggling, I have to use my baby’s pushchair or a shopping trolley for support if going out.
I was wondering if anyone had bought/could recommend any products to help? Walking sticks, crutches, walking rollator etc. I am only 33 and I’m using this as a last resort but I need to be mobile again!
Before and after any walking I would use the ice booties you can get on Amazon.com. Only use them for 10 min, but they should help with the pain and swelling. Consider Midodrine compounded cream if you have the dilating form of EM.
And, we are all her with you, and wish you only the best of health!!
though it may be a waste of money as my hands are sometimes useless. i’m trying to be honest with myself … i guess i’m in denial! i thought a walker would be the next obvious step. i’m going to get them to do an estimate for a power chair too. my insurance will cover 90%
i am having a hard time with this!
i think i’d rather stay at home than the hassles of maneuvering around in a chair.
Cherry, I always tell myself that it is “just for now” when I need an assistive aid. I also remind myself that this is the new reality for me. When I try to be the invisible pain person, no one suffers but me. Perhaps a walker or a chair will enable others to make room for you, and your identity. We are all just one moment away from disability, and I have found others to be kind and more thoughtful when they can see that I need some help.
I like the little booties that have ice packs in them. You can get them on Amazon. When I have had to walk a bit too far or have pain in the balls of my feet, I come home, or bring them along, and slip into them, and give a sigh of relief. The coldness lasts at least 10 min, and the covering keeps the ice pack from directly touching the skin. Also, I don’t have to figure out how to hold the cold against my feet as they are like socks.