Looking for any recommendations in the CT area from people that have had good results. Or for that matter anywhere… Thanks Tony Parrelli
Hi tucker01040 ,
I would begin by searching The Erythromelalgia Association’s physician directory, this way you’ll see a specialist who has dealt with this rare condition before.
I’ve recently reviewed Dr Oaklander’s publications/lectures and found them insightful. She’s a Neurologist in Massachusetts who appears in TEA’s physician directory, may be worth the trip from Connecticut.
“Anne Louise Oaklander | Small Fibers, Big Pain || Radcliffe Institute”
“Defining a Treatable Cause of Erythromelalgia: Acute Adolescent Autoimmune Small-Fiber Axonopathy”
Tony the EM physicians directory is a good resource but you still want to call and make sure the Dr. Is familiar with EM. I ran into at least one on the list that had no clue.