Anyone still smoking?

I am interested to find out if any members are smokers. I did pose this question before in another discussion but it wasn't headlined so you may not have seen it. To date I have only had replies from ex smokers.

If you are a smoker, would you mind telling me if any of the doctors you have seen re your EM given your smoking as a possible reason for it?

Thanks for any feedback.


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Sorry I'm not the responder you're looking for, but I'm just checking in as another ex-smoker with EM. I haven't even found a doctor who's seen EM before, so my docs have given me no information at all. I am curious as well to know if EM could have something to do with being an ex-smoker.

Can I be the only one still sinning with the smoking? Everyone has either never smoked or given up.

My doctor had never heard of EM either so I got him to look it up on the 'net while I sat in his office. Also told him what I had learned from the members of this site and on the strength of that he referred me to a rheumatologist who fortunately had seen EM on a couple of occasions and confirmed my EM. No mention of smoking at all until I asked and she said 'it's never a good idea to smoke but it is not the cause' which in my case is primary unless blood tests prove otherwise. That was two weeks ago and can only assume there was no 'otherwise' to prove

Never thought to ask the ex smoker query you posed in your answer.

Thanks for replying anyway

LibbyK said:

Sorry I'm not the responder you're looking for, but I'm just checking in as another ex-smoker with EM. I haven't even found a doctor who's seen EM before, so my docs have given me no information at all. I am curious as well to know if EM could have something to do with being an ex-smoker.

I have not heard that smoking is a problem with EM. I quit but not because of EM. I did quit drinking and my beloved hot peppers for relief from EM. There is no doubt in my mind that if I drink, I flair. Spicy food causes me flairs the majority of times.

yes i smoke

Thanks for your reply Barry C.

So far, 60 views of my question but only 1 who still smokes.

I used to enjoy the odd drink many years ago but found that it would make my feet hot and itchy but not red or burning. It took a while to link the alcohol to the symptoms. In January I had a few sips of beer from my hubby's glass on my birthday and had a flare up within the hour. So it is a definite no no for me. I'm a wimp when it comes to hot spices and peppers so no problem there for me.

My EM appeared early last year so not linked to drinking.


Barry C said:

I have not heard that smoking is a problem with EM. I quit but not because of EM. I did quit drinking and my beloved hot peppers for relief from EM. There is no doubt in my mind that if I drink, I flair. Spicy food causes me flairs the majority of times.

I must be that 1 other who still smokes but I was not told it has anything to do with my EM I am in the process of trying to quit not to do with EM but I’ve just been told I have 13%car on monoxide in my blood and the start of copd .

I just want to point out this topic is over 6 years old and the member who started the discussion has not been an active user in nearly 5 years. You likely won’t get any responses from those who commented in 2012. It might be best to start your own topic if you want to explore the relationship between EM and smoking further. :hugs:

Hi Tillyp,

No you are not the only sinner. I used to be a full time smoker, pack a day. I do still smoke but far less. For the last 5 Year’s I smoke when I drink which is about twice a week. Don’t get me wrong I don’t get smashed but I really enjoy smoking. My specialist asked me if I smoked and I was really honest about it, he didn’t say this doesn’t help, kinda wish he did I. Iggy be more active in quitting. I smoke socially, yeah not ideal but I really enjoy it. I smoke a pack of darts every 2 weeks. Now you have 2 people who smoke, hope that makes you feel better, I know we are a dying breed!