Hi. I had Pfizer then Maderna And was totally fine
Don’t worry it will be safer than getting covid
I had 2 shots the moderna vaccine, the next day after each shot my arm was flaring up a bit more than usual but i have seen no long term side effects. I am young so i recover fast from these things and i think the shot itself was worse side effects than the EM symptoms.
I want to say there are some although I don’t know how many who have a rare AUTOIMMUNE side effect apparently from SPIKE proteins from the COVID vaccines. These can cause inflamation issues, and some photos on one youtube channel shows feet that looked like EM to me. So it’s possible that blood clots or swelling may result but it’s a rare autoimmune reaction and it may be related to T-Cells being activated to attack you’re own body. And some say these are resolved from a follow up booster. But these are very rare. And I can’t even say how rare they are. But my mom’s EM is rare and she often gets rare side effects from any drug. So I feel she is like a canary in the coal mine kind of person and if there is a bad side effect that is rare she will be the one to get it. So I’m extremely wary of the side effects of the vaccine.
Some side effects that are rare are different and it’s unknown how many of them can happen and what they can do. It’s all covered by lack of liability but some studies especially from Israel who did a lot of detailed studies showed side effects to be rare. There is statistical evidence in theory from some figures and numbers that as many people may die of side effects as of covid so you may have a greater risk for death from side effects of course but it’s a different kind of death they get. Like heart problems and heart attacks. So in some cases one has to wonder if that is worth the risk. I also know of some who died but they were older, of COVID after they had the boosters but others in their family got the boosters and covid and survived it. So the boosters protect you from the worse symptoms of covid but don’t protect others of a mild form of covid you may have and pass on to them.
I also want to say I have a friend who did not get the vaccine but he got covid and he suffered from bad side effects and it hurt his health. His wife got covid as well and later she got another case of covid but he said she was told her test would show a false positive as she had it earlier. So not getting the vaccine doesn’t mean you will avoid it. He lived in a rural area and likely got it from a hair cut in a barber shop where people had taken off their masks. He got it during the OMNICRON surge but he doesn’t know what he got and it sounds like he had DELTA but he didn’t have it confirmed. And he was in the hospital for 6 days. I also had a guy walk up to me in a store and he told me he survived brain cancer and picked up covid in the hospital and had to fight that off as well. He beat them both. I also heard of a guy who said he knows a guy who got covid when he had his liver transplant and had waited ten years for a transplant and then when he got it he got covid in the hospital and died of covid.
So I think with the varying levels of people wearing masks, their masks won’t protect me from COVID at all as they may have it and not wear them. Sometimes almost everyone is wearing masks in stores in the USA but then other times nobody is wearing them. So I wear the best masks I can and actually full faced masks that cost $300 from 3m or PAPR systems either welder or medical papr systems and I wear this to keep our house quarantined from the virus. We have not been vacinated and I don’t know if we every will. But eventually we will likely get COVID as will everyone in the world because it seems it’s so widespread and the patchwork of lack of masks and lack of vaccines that really work is so great and the mutation rate is so fast, and who knows what is being released as well. . . who knows. So eventually we will all get it in one way or another. some swear by the vaccines and most have not had a bad side effect. Others are overly anti-vax. I got lockjaw like symptoms from a dead virus that supposedly was safe, but then later I got a booster and had no symptoms a decade later. So results can vary and I’m very wary of vaccines, but probably overly cautious on them. And I’m used to being isolated from COVID and the bad health in the house. So a lockdown is not new to me, it’s like the world started to live like we did and going to masks and PAPRS and living in some kind of weird post modern sci-fi world like 12 Monkeys meets MAD Max was not much of a change or challenge to me. Because our lives frankly were so isolated and health challenges were so great. COVID didn’t really hurt us at all. It was just another challenge to face and a problem to avoid. And I’m not a COVID cheerleader, but my father has wandering issues with dementia and he’s used to the new normal of staying at home. So that was the one and only good thing about COVID and the new normal. It kept my father at home and that was a good thing for his health.
I have had people who went to the hospital who are in our family or friends circle who got COVID from the food in the hospital or so they say they did. And one aunt Got COVID at a hospital and then from a home health care nurse. So she got COVID twice two different infections. And another guy who went to a local hospital got covid and died. And my parents have been in hospital ER’s and they have worn regular masks, full face masks and papr systems and have not gotten covid, but I can’t say the masks protected them the hospital procedures helped some and the masks helped some. And the stories were so varying I heard 90 percent of the people in the ER had COVID from a friend listening about OMNICRON when it first came out and then the hospital we were at in ER sent out an email and said only 10 percent of their patients had COVID and 90 percent were in the ER for other things. So I could not even tell what was going on at the hospitals locally vs. the news hype but this was around March of 2021.
Covid has added an entire new dimension of change in our household. Ordering some supplies difficult to find in local stores from Amazon prime or EBAY has been a blessing and something I tried more since COVID than before. But overall for me I’ve had about the same or even more shopping trips with FULL FACED PAPR protection most of the time. I figure our family is worth it. I also have people coming up to me all the time either to compliment me on the PAPR or ask me about it or sometimes to laugh at me. So it’s an interesting “new normal” for me. And the pattern of positives or negatives I get is often in relation to the news of the need for masks and lock downs or the relaxing on masks.
I also have had a lot of weird fun chatting with people about COVID and masks and other stuff from the NEW NORMAL. I ride an EBIKE NOW and I have been doing that for a lot of shopping as I had car and truck issues and didn’t spend a ton of money on a vehicle which wasn’t even for sale or available and had a lot of car repair delays. So I ride a bit with more risks and take slower trips to the store and wearing a PAPR and riding an ebike gets a lot of attention and I have a lot of fun conversations. So I enjoy some of the things which the NEW NORMAL has brought but also experienced a lot of challenges. In the past few years a LOT of middle aged and old poeple I know have died. Have they died of COVID? some died with COVID exposure maybe making their declining health worse. But most died of other old age related issues. So it’s difficult to tell but as we age we see more of this and I’m to tired to stay on topic now so I’ll stop this comment.