Do I need any tests/bloodwork before I see doctor?

I see my first specialist a rheumatologist about my horrible erythromelalgia. Do I need to have any bloodwork or tests before I see him? I want to come prepared so something can be done then and not rescheduled. Any advice would be appreciated

There are no blood tests specifically diagnostic of erythromelalgia. Apart from genetic testing, still in its infancy, erythromelalgia is an observational diagnosis. Your doctor may want to perform blood tests to exclude other possibilities.

Most helpful would be to simply confirm in advance of your appointment that your rheumatologist is familiar with erythroemalgia. As a rare disease, it is not uncommon for a physician to be wholly unaware of the condition.

I started keeping a photo album on my phone of every flair I had. The photos obviously show the redness but they also keep track of the date and time it happens. This was a huge help in my diagnosis from my Rheumatologist. It is also helping me track my flairs and the severity of them.

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Thanks for the replies!