Does anyone experience peeling after the flaring?

I am new to this and see a Dr on Thursday to discuss treatment plan.

I can relate to everything I read but, I haven't read anything about skin peeling. It seems after a b ad flare up of red, swollen, painful hands and feet ..they peel. The palms of my hands peel and hurt and the bottoms of my toes peel horribly.

Does anyone else have this problem?


Hi Jenn, I don't have anything to add, just wanted to say I am sorry you are experiencing this.

When were you diagnosed?

I am new to all of this too.

Prior to getting my flares under better control, if I flared for a long period of time I would sometime blister, but my toes would almost always peel. With some of the lifestyle changes and really working to keep my feet cool, they don’t peel anymore. Most likely because I have found some ways to minimize the flares by using elevation, tepid water, etc. I am now taking Venlafaxine (thanks to LittleK) and it seems to be providing some relief! Hang in there, I know this is tough, but you will get through it. Lots of great resources on this blog.

Thank you so much. I’m actually at my first Dr apt since my hospital visit. I’m very nervous and pray I get some type of answers and treatment plan. My admitting Dr (friend of mine) suggest I be tested for lupus. I have noticed since all of this I’m very emotional and tend to want to just cry in the evenings. Hoping these Dr don’t just think I’m crazy. My hands and feet are just getting over a peeling outbreak so at least I can show him. Wish me luck.

I felt the very same way. The doctor's tested my for every thing under the sun, which is the right thing to do. Hang in there, we can all offer lots of support and resources. Let us know how your visit goes.

Hi Jenn,

I do occasionally experience peeling particularly in my palms and soles. I also have been getting cracked skin all over my feet and hands, which adds to the burn. I think it's from the constant heat. My hands and feet are so hot. I've had people remark this to me even when I'm not burning much and consider myself on a "slow simmer". I keep applying moisturizer to help with the cracking and peeling, which feels good anyway.