Does anyone have days in a row when symptoms are worse?

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone else has an entire day or multiple days in a row when their symptoms are significantly worse, for no reason. I try to figure out why its happening but my hands get all red puffy and clammy ( like they’re retaining way too much water). It stops me from doing everything. Does anyone else experience this?
I’m thinking of all of you.
Hope all is well

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Yes, usually when it’s humid outside, like last night. It was 68% in the house, we usually keep it 64-66% which is optimal for my feet. I tried opening the window but it was still 60 outside and 98% humidity. Begged my husband to put my little air conditioner in the window at midnight (which he did). We have central air but a lot cheaper to cool one room than several thousand square feet. Plus my fam doesn’t have EM so they don’t need the air on in Michigan in May.

Right before my period things can be significantly worse.
Sometimes if I eat a lot for several days in a row, or if it’s especially humid - but the menstrual worsening is more severe.

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