EM with no pain, possible? Just hot/redness


I have EM, i think. My toes are constantly red, but they become hotter/more red the higher temperature. But the weird thing is that when i workout, it disaeppers, and my toes are quiet normal.

Anyways, is it possible to have EM with no pain? Or does it give u pain gradually as u get older?

Your symptoms don’t sound like erythromelalgia. Not only is EM typically accompanied by pain, it usually worsens with exercise. I’m not a doctor, but your symptoms sound more like a basic venous insufficiency. Exercise improves blood flow and alleviates venous insufficiency.

You should make an appointment with a doctor if your symptoms are troubling you.

Ok thanks. But if i have a venous insufficiency, how am i symptoms not worse?

(look at my brighter toes, they are like these all the time, better excerciese, worse/hot shower/warm temperature)

This is my toe when i am really hot inside me.

My toes are red all the time, but they are more redder the warmer i am inside me.

We can’t diagnosis you. Since the redness is causing you emotional distress and anxiety, why don’t you go to a doctor to see what they say?

I will, have booked a time.

But does it sound like EM? What else could it be? Like i said, worse in warm temperatures/warm showers/warm very tight shoes.

Constantly red toes, disaeppers when excerciese/elevating, foot/stretching-excercies the foot, so the blod keeps going. No pain.

Good! Let us now how your appointment goes. I’m afraid I can’t offer any more advice than what I have already given. There are numerous medical conditions with similar symptoms and sorting through them will have to be done by a medical professional.

Ye sure.

But do u know anything about EM without pain? Is it possible to have it without pain? Or does it just get worse as the years go?

As with any disease, there are varying levels of pain experienced by patients. No pain at all would be unusual and may suggest a condition other than erythromelalgia. Pain is so integral to the diagnosis of erythromelalgia the word appears in most definitions (as seen below). To diagnose erythromelalgia without pain would have to be to the exclusion of all other possibilities. I would say it’s unlikely but not impossible.

Mereck Manual:

Erythromelalgia is a rare syndrome in which small arteries (arterioles) of the skin dilate periodically, causing a burning pain

NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders):

Erythromelalgia is a rare condition that primarily affects the feet and, less commonly, the hands (extremities). It is characterized by intense, burning pain of affected extremities…


Erythromelalgia is a rare disorder characterized by burning pain, warmth, and redness of the extremities.


Erythromelalgia, formerly known as Mitchell’s disease (after Silas Weir Mitchell), is a rare vascular peripheral pain disorder in which blood vessels…

NIH (National Institutes of Health) (US):

Erythromelalgia is a condition characterized by episodes of pain, redness, and swelling in various parts of the body, particularly the hands and feet.

NHS (National Health Service) (UK):

Erythromelalgia is a rare disorder that causes episodes of burning pain and redness in the hands and feet, and sometimes the arms, legs, ears…

Healthdirect (Australia):

Erythromelalgia is a rare skin condition which causes a burning pain, heat and red skin usually on the hands or feet.

If I elevate my feet, my feet are no longer red on top assuming I’m cool, but the pain and redness is on the soles of my feet and sometimes in between my toes. My neurologist said some people have insidious EM, which means it arrives slowly, and does not present acutely. Moving my feet around if I’m standing make my feet feel somewhat better and the redness on top disappears BUT I am still in pain, and unless I elevate my feet it comes right back. I can take my shoes off and put on flip flops which also provides relief. However the damage is done and the rest of the day/ night I’ll be in pain. But I am 62 years old…and mine was slow going. I remember being in pain in my 30’s and complaining to the Podiatrist. He said I had Plantar Fasciitis.

I see in your list carterdk that it’s recognised by the NHS in England. I wouldn’t have believed it as non of the doctors I saw had ever heard of it!

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We have quiet different symptoms then. First of all, i have absolutely no pain, and my redness are 95% better when i workout, while my hands are red(but thats becuase of the sweat/to much clothes while working out).

And my toes are red all the time, the toetips, not the feet, just the toes. It gets worse if i put them on ground, or if my bodytemperature is quiet high. It gets better when elevating/walking on a colder floor(but the redness are still there, as soon as i stand for a longer period, on the same position) Am also a man.

What could it be?

I used to work in an office and really didn’t notice my pain that much…in the beginning. What do you do for a living?

What do u mean by in the beginning? The first weeks, or years?

I mean , are you sitting all day or standing on your feet or a combination of the two?

No. I cant sitt with my feet down.

But, u didnt have pain when u first had EM?


And why does my toes keep getting VERY RED, EVERY TIME i wake up? The redness disaeppers when i walk.

OK, I’m just going to come out and say it…

If there is no pain, why do you care if your toes get red? Do you think it’s aesthetically ugly? What’s the problem?

My suggestion is to stop worrying, live your life, and be happy you have no pain.

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Because i cant walk outside when its over 28 degrees, my toes gets very red and hot, with bulging veins at my foot, or i can walk but its annyoing. No pain.

The last pic is when its very very hot outside. No pain, just the redness/veins. The first is after a shower, no pain, just discolartion.

No problems while working out.

See the pics I uploaded.

I don’t understand. If there is no discomfort, what is preventing you from walking? When people can’t walk, it’s because it hurts too much. You’re saying it does not hurt, but that you still can’t walk.

This makes no sense.

Are you saying you don’t want to walk outside when it’s warm because of how your toes look? Because that’s different than you can’t walk.