Feeling alive

I am starting to feel really good (if you can see past the pain) since coming off all my medication. I am feeling positve, happier and weirdly healthier than I have in a long long time. Fingers crossed this feeling lasts.!

HI Lauraflora, that's great news! What made you come off all the meds?

I feel better since giving up Nortriptylene over the summer.


I came off them because I couldn't cope with all the side effects, I wanted to feel like I actually had a life. I had spent the best part of the year almost sedated by medications then tried different ones which stopped me sleeping. I always felt completely fatigued, drained and as tho there was a fog around my brain. I couldn't even hold a proper conversation. I struggled to remember anything and basically spent the time feeling drugged up. I am feeling loads better in my self but my pain is getting to the point of bringing me to tears again so not sure how long I can last... I really don't want to go back to medication but also feeling a bit desperate with the pain.

Sounds really, really tough. I think it's great you were able to come off them at all though, because I find I get so dependent on them it's quite scary to stop. Is it worth adding some of the meds back really slowly/low doses - to see if you can get on top of some of the pain at least?


I have an appointment with my gp on Monday and my pain specialist mid October so will think about trying the next medication which is in the pipeline if things are still really bad. The thing is my EM pain at the minute is manageable its my chronic widespread pain that's giving me the worst pain recently. I guess the meds I was on was helping this as well. I am going to see if I can get my gp to refer me to the rhuematology dept again because I feel the need to get proper diagnosis for this. (I have had 3 different drs say it's 3 different things, fibromyalgia, chronic widepsread pain syndrome and central pain sensitization) If I knew what I was dealing with I might be able to find treatment without the need to drug myself up again.! Fingers crossed