Female viagra

Hi guys just wanted to update on what’s happening with me. I have both raynauds and em both have been fully diagnosed by a specialist professor Denton at the London free hospital in the uk. I tried various treatments and nothing was working for me. Then it was suggested I go on sidenifil which is viagra. They offered me up to 3 a day , I couldn’t get to three as part of the side effects is severe headaches. I take two a day and I am totally amazed. My hands are now warm even in cold weather and no longer turn blue or hurt which is incredible. My em is so much better to, less swelling and redness and burning, no more blisters on my feet. I do still have the odd pain day but am so much better some days I can wear socks, which believe me I could never do before. When I flare it lasts a lot less time and is less painful. This for me is my miracle drug. It took some persuading for my gp to go halves with my clinic to pay for the tablets as in large quantities they are not generally available. Trials are still taking place, I have been on it for 7 moths now, since being on it , it became legal for female use, it has no sexual effect and the headaches got better after about 2 weeks. I just wanted to share incase it helps anyone else

Wow, Snoopyjo, that’s really interesting. Great that you are getting relief from it. If memory serves me correctly, that medication started out as a cardiac drug, and until the male patients notices the … um … special side effect. Now it has yet another application. Raynaud’s is such a miserable condition, isn’t it. What I find interesting is that it’s helping both your R and your EM.


That’s not surprising. 15 years ago a friend of mine took Cialis for his Raynaud’s. (I was in my early 20’s, so I bribed him into giving me a couple pills, LOL.)

Hi, I am glad to see others have had some relief from viagra. I take it as well (along with Lyrica and an aspirin). I take it 3x a day (it took a while for the headaches to stop) and have been for about 8 months. I haven’t noticed a difference so much with the viagra alone but the combo has been quite effective. My flares are less painful and don’t last as long. Because I am a woman, I can’t get insurance to cover it, which is really annoying.

That’s absolutely ridiculous, Jalika! Not that my outrage will help you, but please know that someone shares your annoyance.

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