Fluorescent Lights, Does anyone else react to them?

FLUORESCENT LIGHTS!!! I know my triggers have always been positioning,, heat, cold { I have Raynouds as well}, changes in weather {barometric pressure changes}, even wearing a robe for too long. I have always been bothered whenever I shop in retail stores. It seems I turn cherry red very quickly. I noticed in the pharmacy as I was checking out my hands were pink as were my feet {it was 60 degrees outside but I had sandals on}. I told my children, since MOMMY is an airhead lately to please pay attention to my many color changes. I took my daughter to gymnastics and as usual after an hour I was really starting to hurt. She came out on a break and whispered in my ear. "Mommy bright red feet, Look UP". Sure enough I had never payed attention to the lighting. The facility is huge with many rooms. She usually starts out in a room where the parents watch and wait in a room with dropped ceilings. Looking up I noticed the fluorescent lights, they were in a decorative box type set up so I never noticed.The lights were about 3 or 4 feet over my head.
We proceeded upstairs later to watch them in the large gym. The ceiling there is probably 25 feet above my head..it's a huge facility and the roof peeks from the bridge area where the parents look down into the larger room. The flare had already started but it subsided somewhat with different lighting. I came home ..did a little experiment and sure enough...I light up like a 6 foot red Christmas tree under Fluorescent light. GREAT!! It is almost unavoidable. Ironically, I recall my dermatologist who had seen only a few cases at the Mayo clinic, mentioning one patient who reacted this way to flluorescen lights.
Anybody else have this issue.? If so how do you deal with it????!!!
Thank you