Have I got EM?

Hi there. I am new to this website. I have'nt formally been diagnosed with EM but going by the symptoms I have read on line thanks to Google, myself, my sister and 3 cousins have this.

I don't know if I'm seeing things or not but my forearms are starting to get "that look" of red about them. Does anybody have EM else where on their body other than hands and feet?

Hello angel14,

EM seems to cause different reactions for each individual. I began reading everything I could find about EM in medical journals online. It does effect many EM sufferers in different parts of the body according to those cases that I've read about (many of the members of this site will attest to this). I remember cases identifying symptoms in the arms, anywhere on the head, neck, torso and the legs anywhere from the thighs down. Many of the instances that EM was causing pain more central toward the torso did not always display the telltale redness, but included various degrees and forms of pain from tingling, to pins 'n' needles, thorny pricking, to the very severe burning. Some reports have indicated redness on the arms, face and legs of some people.

In my case, after the initial onset of EM symptoms in the hands and feet, I developed severe burning pain, swelling and redness up to the knees. As it progressed, I had terrible thorny pricking or stinging on the sides of my torso and burning pain on my neck, the sides of my face and scalp, but minus the redness in those places. Once some helpful treatment was discovered the symptoms in my torso up to the head have dramatically reduced.

I hope this info. is helpful. The Erythromelalgia Assoc. website has a lot of info. available. I hope you find some relief from your symptoms very soon.


Hi, thank you for your response. I think I need to google the symptoms a bit more. I don't get pain as such but I do get the severe burning of hands and feet/tingling. In summer I have to sleep with a fan on my feet all night because of the severe burning. In winter the cats love me as I am their heat source, my husband said he pulls back the blankets to get into bed and can just feel the heat radiating off of me. I'm sure if I stuck my hands or feet in a bowl of water I would make it boil lol

I hope yo didn`t have ... bup my dad have pain a paresthesia in hes back, but not cyanosis, or erythema

Hi David,

You said "Once some helpful treatment was discovered the symptoms in my torso up to the head have dramatically reduced." I'm curious as to what treatment helped you.

David said:

Hello angel14,

EM seems to cause different reactions for each individual. I began reading everything I could find about EM in medical journals online. It does effect many EM sufferers in different parts of the body according to those cases that I've read about (many of the members of this site will attest to this). I remember cases identifying symptoms in the arms, anywhere on the head, neck, torso and the legs anywhere from the thighs down. Many of the instances that EM was causing pain more central toward the torso did not always display the telltale redness, but included various degrees and forms of pain from tingling, to pins 'n' needles, thorny pricking, to the very severe burning. Some reports have indicated redness on the arms, face and legs of some people.

In my case, after the initial onset of EM symptoms in the hands and feet, I developed severe burning pain, swelling and redness up to the knees. As it progressed, I had terrible thorny pricking or stinging on the sides of my torso and burning pain on my neck, the sides of my face and scalp, but minus the redness in those places. Once some helpful treatment was discovered the symptoms in my torso up to the head have dramatically reduced.

I hope this info. is helpful. The Erythromelalgia Assoc. website has a lot of info. available. I hope you find some relief from your symptoms very soon.
