Hello all, I want to share with you an experience I tried right now ...
This will seem horrible to you, but ultimately it is not so! Well,
it's been that I like idea of trying a heat desensitization to my feet.
For 6 months, I stopped the ice, and I only use the little fan.
I returned to walk every day, wetting my compression socks regularly and taking good care
of my skin (oil, aloe will see, etc. ..).
My only treatment is cherry juice for inflammation, my cream 1% Ketamin
and my myrrh and frankincense oil neuropathy.
Daily for 5 days now, I put my feet several times a day for 30 minutes
on a hot water bottle ...!
Obviously, this triggers me a flare, but not as hard as when fires alone.
For example, it goes faster. I tolerate the pain, it's not funny,
but: at night, I do not have a crisis going to bed or falling asleep, and at night,
my flare is almost painless !!! For too little time I do this, so to
continue despite the unpleasantness, but I hope.
Let me know how you make out....
Did you happen to read William Prowse's book?
Yes, I have read it several months ago.
It took a lot of guts to pull off what he did...but his was caused by an inury--mine I believe is systemic...
Anyway you are doing what he reccomdneded.
Mine has no cause known... Nothing, all my analyses are normal, except antinuclear factors, but without specificity. So I try. I will tell you the result of my experience.
Hi everybody, just a few words to say that despite the temperature
climbs , I have continuous improvement since I put my feet every day on a
hot water bottle . I really hurt less and less violent crises . I think
it’s worth trying, because even if I hurt when I’m on my water bottle ,
this is not comparable to a major crisis and it allows me to regain
autonomy in my life. And it is not as toxic medications we take …
Hi, some news of my protocol. Well, …I am now cured. It sounds incredible, but it is true. For me it has been a sort of miracle. I have written a little book to explain what I have done but I have explained what I have done here.
Hi Carine.
I was wondering how are you doing after the protocol?? I have EM in both my hands and feet and i’m willing to try everything.
How long it took for the protocol to work?
whatttttttt? that’s great…think I read ur book
Did you try Carine´s protocol yourself o just read the book?
Hi everybody,
just a little message to tell you that I am still OK ! I have had continual improvement since I begin my protocol. I can now sleep with no pain at all and I wear socks and closed shoes all the time. I have even bought boots and have started riding my horse. 2 years not being able to do this !!
some pictures

That’s awesome!! I’ve read your book and I will give it a try! I don’t know if it’ll for me since I have EM in my feet and hands !! Do you had it only in your feet ?
No, I had it also on hand, but less less painful. I applied the hot bottle on my hand every night when I watch TV
Well I’ll let you know how it goes! I can’t seem to find the tart cheery juice where I live Did you heat the water or just used hot water from the tap ? I didn’t specify in the book !
I take hot water from the tap.
One thing that intrigues me about my EM, it’s that you mention in your book that induced flares were also painful, they’re not for me! My feet and hands turn red but no pain at all, I only feel pain when the flares happen on their own! Weird, right ?
By the way, thanks for taking the time to reply! And I’m happy you’re doing well
Yes, for me it was also painful, but more less than not induced flares. Have you results from my protocol on your pain or flares ?
Not so far! It’s been two weeks now, still hoping thought! Like i said I’m just doing the heat thing since I can’t seem to find tart cheery juice anywhere !! Do you know the source of your EM?? I have it in my feet, hands and sometimes my ears and it happen out of the blue !! it’s a dreadful disease to have really ! How are you doing now and how long has it been since you were first diagnosed ? Are you symptom free now or your flares are just less intense ??
I am purchasing tart cherry on internet (I am in France). Now I am pain free and also almost flare free. Sometimes my feet are a little red and hot, but no pain. I was diagnose 2 years ago. They have not find the source of my EM. Primary.