
Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone when there Ill the can’t just have a little cold or a touch of flu, its got to be a worse case of it. Last year I was in hospital twice a month. For 6 months straight as I kept catching flu, virale and it was always a worse case of it, I would be sick every 5 minute for 3 day straight, and it was un known why?. Does anyone else get like this? If one thing goes wrong everything else does too, and you seem to catch everything going!?

Yes, likewise. Lyn

I too seem to catch an awful lot of colds and flu...who knows if em causes you to be more inclined to catch stuff...with so little feed back from doctors anything is possible. Being an auto immune disease as I believe perhaps your whole sytem is screwed.

I have the same thing, after having a car accident about 18 months ago I have picked up every small thing going. I was hospitalized 5 days after having my wisdom teeth out because i’d got such a bad infection it had gone to my blood stream and caused me to balloon to double my size and I started slipping in and out of consciousness. I also got shingles then chest infection followed by bronichal inflammation then winter vomiting bug. I had a whole 18 months of being really poorly.
@ bingolover… Is EM an autoimmune disease…? I’ve been told by docs that I have low immunity but they’ve nevervsaid its an autoimmune disease.

Yeah I seem to get every going, I can be in doors for a week and still catch something to its ores state! In 2010 I was getting tonsillitis oe month, urine infection the next then so on in tht pattern for about a year! They don’t have a Clue?. I also got Steven Johnson Syndrome in. June which is a life threatening allergic reaction to medication (in y case Tegretol I was on for EM which was working!!) I was hospitalised for 2 week, almost ended up in high dependecy, head to to in a blister fiery burning rash, I was like jees, I can’t even just get a bit of an allergic reaction it’s gotta be a worse case! Lol, my hospital folder Is gigantic nd I’m only 17!! Lol .x

Excuse my spelling mistakes it’s this auto correct nonsense!!

Haha… I’ve made many auto correct mistakes. Funnily enough I used to be really healthy before EM struck… Hopefully I can get to that point some time soon…


My daughter, Taylor, does the same thing. She gets sick often, even though she is homeschooled. And it seems like she can never get a touch of a cold, it has to be the whole thing! When she is sick, everything else is so much worse! I try to be so careful with germs, but they are everywhere!

Yes, that's the same with me, I'm never out, I have OCD so I keep clean often and yet I get the worst of everything going around! I have not been in hospital for 4 months so touch wood! Haha, although I have been getting really bad colds where the nausea is terrible! Think I have on coming on ATM! Trisha6797 said:


My daughter, Taylor, does the same thing. She gets sick often, even though she is homeschooled. And it seems like she can never get a touch of a cold, it has to be the whole thing! When she is sick, everything else is so much worse! I try to be so careful with germs, but they are everywhere!