It has been a while since I have been on the site. I have been keeping in touch via email with David Kelly who some of you will be familiar with and David has indicated that his Doctor will be trying LDN. Carrying out further research on the subject its really fascinating and something I was totally unaware of as are many Doctors.
Given the list of autoimmune conditions it helps with I was wondering if anyone had tried it for their EM. Its certainly worth looking at in my opinion and there is a fair amount of research out there.
This pod cast explains , but please have a look for yourself. Two and a half minutes in.
Hello Davipot, we have to remember with LDN is that it is not a mainstream medication/treatment. It messes immensly with the pain mechanism and renders pain meds ineffective but this makes sense of why some people who try it record diminishing symptoms. Another potential problem, though, is it's effect on the adrenal system. It makes prednisone look like kiddies candy.
I understand the whole LDN movement came out of the helminthic therapy movement which involves worms and probiotics. If only it were true a dose of Ipec syrup and and a high colonic followed by a cup of yogurt would cure most disease.
It's very much an alternative therapy for many of the autoimmune systems it is now being proposed for, however, it has helped many overcome alcholism and drug addiction used short term. It does seem to have an effect on overactive pain response (which is how it works on drug addiction) but it is rarely used because of side effects.
For anyone interested in researching LDN I hope your post and the link helps inform discussions with members doctors and not that people rush off to find LDN practitioners willing to prescribe without the full health picture and responsibility for their patients care.