New diagnosis after two years of symptoms

This last month two drs confirmed EM. As well as near constant mirgraines, often “silent” (their mumbo jumbo for a heap of odd symptoms similar to migraines) and fibromyalgia.
Im a mom of five, I used to work full time until I got sick and honestly Im watching this change my life and my loved ones. Im overwhelmed and tired of near constant drs.
So thankful to see Im not alone. To see photos like mine. To see people working so hard to find some semblence of normal.
I like to knit to distract myself when Im hurting and I read a lot. I never was a tv watcher until I got sick. Now I enjoy the distraction of a good movie.
My children are between 11 and 5, thankfully getting to the age where they can understand some when I am unwell.
Again, so thankful to have found this site!


We’re glad that you found us, Abby, and we hope that you will be too. Join our conversations, or even start one of your own.
You’ve got friends here that “get it”. You just haven’t met them yet!


How did you present your case to the doctors? Hope the diagnoses can lead to treatment/relief soon.

I had a list of symptoms, photos of my flare ups and a video (it was easier to show the swelling in a video so I could touch my swollen feet and they could see the color change). It was the first time Id taken “proof”.

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With video and photos being so easy to make with our smart phones, we often tell members to take pictures and videos of symptoms that come and go. You know how it works: the symptom will be sure to have disappeared on the day of your doctor’s appointment!


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