New member intro; question about symptom pattern, Boston area referral

Hi all. I was just diagnosed with EM by my rheumatologist. She basically made the diagnosis on history and pictures of my hands alone, I think because my symptom pattern is so perfectly typical in some ways. My fingers, knuckles & palms turn red, swell, and feel like an instant sunburn (only a million times worse) in response to exercise or heat exposure. She sent off some labs, and we are going to chat some more later today & try our first pass at a plan.

My impression from reading is that a typical treatment plan is:

rule out underlying disorders,

take aspirin,

throw medications at it semi-randomly and hope something sticks.

Although I may end up being wrong, considering the quick diagnosis, I'm guessing my rheumatologist tends toward the "throw things at it" side of the spectrum, rather than the "rule out everything else" side. I'm basically fine with that, since I see that often one has to throw *a lot* of things before finding the right combo, so I'm happy to have someone who will be willing to do that.

But I also have a bunch of other vague, nonspecific symptoms (belly pain, headaches, muscle aches, and horrible, blinding fatigue; they all often seem to follow the same pattern as my hand pain). That suggests an underlying disorder to me, so I'd like to also have someone else on my team who is more on the "diagnose everything" side.

I'm thinking a neurologist is probably my best bet? I live fairly near Boston and I see that MGH (Mass General) has a "painful neuropathies" clinic and that some of their docs do research in possibly overlapping areas (CRPS, SFPN). Has anyone dealt with the MGH neurology department? Have other referral ideas in the Boston area?

And I have a couple questions about symptom pattern too. When I am in the heat, the redness and pain in my fingers and palms are pretty uniform, but when I exercise, the redness is patchy/blotchy interspersed with white areas (like a mixed Raynaud's, only it's not cold out). On the backs of my hands the redness from exercise is mostly at the knuckles and below the nails, and the inbetween-areas are white. On the palms the blotchiness seems random.

And then afterwords, the redness and swelling go down pretty quick except at the joints (maybe twenty minutes or so), but the pain actually gets worse over the next 6-24 hours and I get little bumps on my finger joints (welts, maybe?). Then everything slowly subsides over 1-3 days.

Am I right that this is not typical of pure EM and maybe suggests something else going on? Does anyone else have this or a similar symptom pattern?

Wow- post soooo long- sorry about that!

Anyways, I'm psyched to have found this great resource, and am looking forward to (virtually) meeting you all. Thank!

Hi lauri. I am writing a quick reply because I am on my phone and its tricky! I will write more when on comouter.i have similar symptoms with belly pain ( excruciating) joint pain and fatigue along with more. My rheumatologist thinks I have a non specific connective tissue disorder but my labs come back normal other than elevated SED rate ( inflammation). Your EM symptoms with activity sound like mine. Blotchy with white cold spots especially in between fingers! The fingers burn so bad but the insides are cold. I will write proper when back on my computer.
Take care,

i just wanted to add something to welcome you to the forums! I am new to the EM diagnosis but have had the pain for almost a year (on July 10th - it will be 1 year). Even though your rheumatologist is the "throw everything at it" type, just personally, I would do test to see if there are any underlying conditions.

I saw my new EM doc today and he said something very wise and helpful. He said: EM is not a diagnosis- it is a sign and a symptom - this is a doc in NYC whose name I got from Mads, one of our moderators, who is trying to compile a database of docs who deal with EM (from recommendations from folks on this site). That opened my eyes!

So if we follow his logic, then, you should see what the EM is a symptom of in your case. I am not a doctor but this is just a recommendation based on what he said to me. Perhaps post a question to Mads and ask her if she has the name of someone in the Boston area for you?

I wish you all the best,


Alina Delp said:

i have similar symptoms with belly pain ( excruciating) joint pain and fatigue along with more. My rheumatologist thinks I have a non specific connective tissue disorder but my labs come back normal other than elevated SED rate ( inflammation). Your EM symptoms with activity sound like mine. Blotchy with white cold spots especially in between fingers! The fingers burn so bad but the insides are cold.

That does sound just like mine. No wonder our hands look so similar.

I think I probably have an underlying connective tissue disorder too. My SED rate & CRP are normal. I think my rheumatologist said my ANA was 1:80, which she "usually considers normal", but she ran some more specific labs based on it & my inflammatory symptoms. Unfortunately, then she forgot to call me back with results before she went on vacation. Sigh.

It's fine though. I'm thrilled with both how quick she got to the EM diagnosis and with the fact she said "I can't really figure out your other symptoms, but I think I'll be able to help you anyways". It's so refreshing to have an MD who can unselfconsciously admit she can't reach a diagnosis with a specific symptom set without engaging any of the, er... socialized negative coping behaviors... that imo (as a member), the medical professions use to shield against the scariness of unknowing (blaming patient behavior, labeling it psychosomatic, etc).

And it gives me some time to pursue the heat-allergy/MAST hypothesis on my own before she starts putting me on meds you have to take everyday that build tolerance (gabapentin, SNRIs), none of which I'm really all that thrilled with, (although obviously I'll take them if I have to).

Jordy516 said:

I saw my new EM doc today and he said something very wise and helpful. He said: EM is not a diagnosis- it is a sign and a symptom

Hi Jordy! Thanks for the welcome.

Your doc seems very smart. After doing some reading, I think I also am an advocate of the "it's a symptom" school of thought. This is clearly true of secondary EM, and I think you can make a case for treating it that way even in primary EM (which I pretty clearly don't have anyway).

Hey Jordy, I joined yesterday because of you--well, you inspired me to sign up. I've got EM and Raynaud's and I'm like you--a recovery ED person. I can't find the thread where you talked about your anorexia, and I'm about to go to bed, but I just wanted to connect. Anyway, maybe we'll connect more on all that stuff. Glad your in recovery. Yeah, I'm good, too. But, yeah, I feel like my life in a lot of ways is a side effect of having such severe anorexia. I mean, life is awesome, I'm totally functional, but definitely have a lot of body stuff, mainly Raynaud's/ED and infertility, that I just have to accept. I'm sure I'm a lot older than you and was older when I could really say that I wasn't restricting calories, etc. anymore. So, yeah, I'm here; it would be interesting to share with you.

Jordy516 said:

i just wanted to add something to welcome you to the forums! I am new to the EM diagnosis but have had the pain for almost a year (on July 10th - it will be 1 year). Even though your rheumatologist is the "throw everything at it" type, just personally, I would do test to see if there are any underlying conditions.

I saw my new EM doc today and he said something very wise and helpful. He said: EM is not a diagnosis- it is a sign and a symptom - this is a doc in NYC whose name I got from Mads, one of our moderators, who is trying to compile a database of docs who deal with EM (from recommendations from folks on this site). That opened my eyes!

So if we follow his logic, then, you should see what the EM is a symptom of in your case. I am not a doctor but this is just a recommendation based on what he said to me. Perhaps post a question to Mads and ask her if she has the name of someone in the Boston area for you?

I wish you all the best,


Monkey said:

Hey Jordy, I joined yesterday because of you--well, you inspired me to sign up. I've got EM and Raynaud's and I'm like you--a recovery ED person. I can't find the thread where you talked about your anorexia..

Wow, Monkey- I am so glad you posted! So your docs think your EM is secondary to the effects of anorexia?

My son, who also appears to have a perfectly classic EM, although he is undiagnosed, also has anorexia... but not anorexia nervosa; his anorexia, as far as we can tell is from a combination of GERD, SMA syndrome (a problem with the placement of one of the large veins in the chest/abdomen) and autism spectrum symptoms. He's been anorexic his entire life; this year, he just made the 3rd percentile on the weight chart for the first time since he was 4 months old (he's 17 years old now). He pretty much eats one meal a day and then the rest of his intake is pediasure.

I have EM too, and no eating disorder. And both me and my son have floppy joints- he has Marfanoid features... so I'm guessing we both will turn out ultimately to have some kind of heritable connective tissue disorder. So I'm thinking my son's EM is not a result of his anorexia, but that both his EM and anorexia are results of whatever the primary issue is... but who knows really. It is all so murky and confusing.

Anyways, even though his eating problems are from a different source than yours, he struggles with many of the same issues, and I've come to see over the years how truly disordered our entire society is around food and weight. I'm so very proud of how hard my son works to be the unique individual he truly is and to be healthy in his own way. So I'm very happy to hear about your recovery, and am always happy to chat and connect about issues of body acceptance, health effects of anorexia, etc etc.

Hi Monkey.

I am glad you joined the group. I can not say how much I love your screen name. I should have been called monkey!!!!
I have a strange obsession with monkeys and always have since a smell child. My mom used to tell me I was a monkey when I was born but they removed my tail so I would fit in with the other children!!!!

Any way I just wanted to welcome you and to let you know there is a search box above where you can search for key words to find what you are looking for and if you click on Jordy's name it will take you to her page and all of the threads she has posted. By using the search you can find similar threads from others possibly with eating disorders.

I hope this helps.

Take care Monkey!!!!

I just love saying Monkey!!!

No I am not crazy :)

Monkey said:

Hey Jordy, I joined yesterday because of you--well, you inspired me to sign up. I've got EM and Raynaud's and I'm like you--a recovery ED person. I can't find the thread where you talked about your anorexia, and I'm about to go to bed, but I just wanted to connect. Anyway, maybe we'll connect more on all that stuff. Glad your in recovery. Yeah, I'm good, too. But, yeah, I feel like my life in a lot of ways is a side effect of having such severe anorexia. I mean, life is awesome, I'm totally functional, but definitely have a lot of body stuff, mainly Raynaud's/ED and infertility, that I just have to accept. I'm sure I'm a lot older than you and was older when I could really say that I wasn't restricting calories, etc. anymore. So, yeah, I'm here; it would be interesting to share with you.

Jordy516 said:

i just wanted to add something to welcome you to the forums! I am new to the EM diagnosis but have had the pain for almost a year (on July 10th - it will be 1 year). Even though your rheumatologist is the "throw everything at it" type, just personally, I would do test to see if there are any underlying conditions.

I saw my new EM doc today and he said something very wise and helpful. He said: EM is not a diagnosis- it is a sign and a symptom - this is a doc in NYC whose name I got from Mads, one of our moderators, who is trying to compile a database of docs who deal with EM (from recommendations from folks on this site). That opened my eyes!

So if we follow his logic, then, you should see what the EM is a symptom of in your case. I am not a doctor but this is just a recommendation based on what he said to me. Perhaps post a question to Mads and ask her if she has the name of someone in the Boston area for you?

I wish you all the best,


Alina, you can be monkey too. Or monkey II? Thanks for your tips, monkey...



Thanks Monkey. So kind of you to share.

Take care,

Monkey II