
Hi all,

The autoimmune diet I’m following is from the book Autoimmune Solition by Dr Amy Myers. First and Forest she says if you don’t do anything else or take anything else from her book, gluten is the number one thing to cut and number one thing that causes inflammation. The diet includes cutting all sorts of foods and then you can try adding them back and see if you get flare ups after 30 days, but gluten is never added back. No grains, legumes, eggs, dairy, seed, nightshade vegetables, nuts and anything else you know that you react to. Now I’ve been gluten free before and I know that I’m highly reactive to it, so for me that is a no brainier. I know that I’m also lactose intolerant, so going no dairy is easy for me too. I cut everything on the list except eggs, nuts and nightshades and would you believe that every time I eat a tomatoe or bell pepper I have issues?! It’s crazy! So definitely play with it. I hope this helps! You can get some info free without reading the book on the site.

Thanks MtnGypsyGirl.

I, too have lactose intolerance as well as dairy allergy and mild sensitivity to eggs, so I don't eat these foods. For years have not been able to eat peppers or onions--they cause tachycardia and irritability. I haven't found that the nightshade family has made much difference. However, I haven't tried an elimination diet either. And I crave oats -- could eat them in all three meals.

Thanks for the info. I'll check out this book. Is this the book your immunologist suggested?



Dragica, no my immunologist didn’t suggest the book, I found it on my own when I was fed up with EM one day. I’ve always suspected diet and stress in relation to my petechae and my EM. It’s worth a try. You can always ditch it after a month of it, if you see no reduction in flares.

HI MountainGypsyGirl.

Thanks for the details. How badly did you have EM? Say on a scale from "occasionally (hot but not painful)" to every day--very painful.



MtnGypsyGirl said:

I have suffered with Petechiae and purpura for 7 years now off and on, at least 3-5 outbreaks a year. I actually had it before I was dx with EM. I have been to dermatologist, hematologists, rheumatologists, allergists, and finally an immunologist. The immunologist was the only one with answers and seemed to think it was an immune response (an over reaction) to whatever my body was reacting to, stress, something viral, chemicals in our food, etc. Since I have been on an Auto-immune diet for 6 months now I have only had 1 EM flare in the very beginning and zero petechiae. I'm getting ready to go off my whole aspirin that was prescribed for my EM. Yay!

Hi Dragica,

I have/had EM definitely everyday and can usually keep my pain to a moderate pain level with daily aspirin, wearing sandals, trauma essential oil topically and keeping my feet out of the covers at night. Definitely everyday though. I was getting pretty fed up and depressed.

Hi MtnGypsyGirl.

Thanks for your reply. My EM is pretty bad these days, mostly because of the skin breakdown and the flares that it causes. I will check out the autoimmune book --thanks so much for sharing that with all of us. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your EM will stay under control and that your quality of life improves each day. Please keep in touch to let us know how things progress--we need to hear about success stories.
