Prescribed an opiod

Hello. I have not posted for awhile. sinc emy last post i have been doagnosed with small fiber neuorpathy and secondary erythromlagia. I have been prescribes and opiod called zohydro er to manage pain because i am intolerant to gabapentenoids (neurontin,lyrica) i do no think i have seen an post about opioids. i have not tried yet, am a little scared and not getting my hopes up. also, i dont want to get addicted. i wonder if anyone has been on an opioid for EM pain relief and did it help?

Quite a few community members have spoken about their experiences with Tramadol, which is an opioid pain medication. Search results for Tramadol are included at the link below. If prescribed a different prescription, you can search for its name in prior comments using the search bar.

EDIT: Zohydro ER is hydrocodone, which is similar to Tramadol. (An SNRI is included in Tramadol.) Both are opioids used to treat moderate pain.

Search results: Tramadol

OK. it is Zohydro ER specifically i am being prescribed i am also on 30 mg cymbalta and 1 mg ativan per day

Here is a search roundup for you:

Search results: Hydrocodone

Search results: Tramadol

Search results: Zohydro

FDA Okays Abuse-Deterrent Zohydro ER

I have been on tramadol before for it, while it did help it wasn’t quite enough pain relief, I have been diagnosed with crps as well though recently so it could be a factor. I currently take medical marijuana for my pain relief and it works wonders.

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@rckitty I am currently on the opioid called tramadol
I take a combo of ApoTramadol/Acetaminophen
(37.5 mg/325mg) 1or 2 tablets 3 times a day as well as Tramadol 50mg 2 tablets at bedtime. I also take 200mg of gabapentin 3 times a day and 300mg at bedtime. I will be starting a high dose aspirin next week as well. I also have a cream with amitripyline, gabapentin and ketamine that I use.
It has definitely made a difference in my nerve pain and the amount of flares I have.

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I have posted here many times, and have had EM for 15 years and tried just about everything. I’ve had two stimulator’s implanted in my back, one helped for two years, then nothing and tried another one and that did absolutely nothing, then a year and a half ago I had a pain pump implanted and was on Dilantin, others, and the last one was fentanyl, needless to say they seem to make it worse and I was in the darkest place I have ever been. I do not recommend opiates. I finally tried Bob’s protocol, and within three months the pain was nearly gone and I was able to go for walks and do some cooking and things that I couldn’t do and didn’t want to do for years. If you are Unfamiliar with Bob’s protocol, it can be explained on the erythromelalgia website. I wish you all the very best. I feel like I have 90% of my life back. Hugs, Patty

Narcotics help me, but I do not want to take them because the side effects are very hard for me personally. I understand it can be a difficult and personal decision.

I had a pain doc do a careful trial of Butrans (a partial) - enough to know it helped but the side effects hit me hard. We initially did the highest dose and then tried the lowest dose. I just felt mentally like a piece of me was missing. I know others can have tolerate them very well, though. good luck.