Severe itching

Hello! I am new to this group as well. I’ve had increasing symptoms of EM for several years, but was just officially diagnosed in June 2019. I sought out a support group mainly to answer this question for myself as my itching has been horrendous and I wondered if it was related to my EM. Initially the itching was just on my legs and arms, but now it is starting on my stomach, groin and face. Lotions and creams only provide temporary relief, but I hate using them because they make me feel hot and thus bring on flares. My doctor prescribed hydroxyzine for the itching and it helps a tiny bit. I have not tried Benadryl because I am afraid it will affect my sleeping (I already struggle enough as it is). I have red welts all over my body from my itching. It’s good to know that I’m not going crazy and others have this issue too! If I find a solution I’ll be sure to post - and hope others will post things that help (if you find something that does).

I wouldn’t presume the itching is associated with erythromelalgia if it is systemic and occurs in areas separate from erythromelalgia flares. I’ve occasionally experienced heat related itching, but only ever in the area I flare, and never so severe to cause red welts, as I’m able to avoid clawing myself.

I’m reminded of this article that ran in The Washington Post last month:

Thank you so much for your response! I am undergoing additional testing to see if there could be another cause for the itching. :slight_smile:

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