What are ways to manage pain?

Hi, I’m going through a really tough time right now and would really appreciate any feedback, suggestions, or words of encouragement. I’ve been dealing with anxiety for most of my life, and I’ve developed a high tolerance for emotional and mental pain. But physical pain? That’s another story. Last night, I spent almost the entire evening crying, overwhelmed by a burning sensation and feeling completely hopeless and terrified about my future. I don’t know how to manage this pain.

It was triggered by something as simple as being on my feet for 20 minutes at the grocery store, and I just can’t seem to find relief. I feel like no doctor truly understands what’s going on or how to treat my symptoms. I have appointments coming up in May and June, but until then, I’m feeling lost. It might sound dramatic, but I can’t help feeling like my life is permanently changed, and my quality of life is slipping away. I keep wondering: how will I cope with this every day? Will I ever get to go to Disney World again (I love Disney, by the way)? Will I ever be able to dance at a wedding with my big Italian family? Or take my niece and nephew to the zoo? Right now, even a grocery store visit feels like too much.

I’m scared, and it’s starting to trigger my anxiety even more. I really want to understand what’s happening with my body and why this is happening. Once I know, I’ll do everything I can to get better. I’m also dreading the summer because I can’t tolerate heat at all.

If you have any book recommendations, podcasts, breathing techniques, or alternative medicine suggestions that might help with chronic pain, I would be so grateful. I need to learn how to manage my pain. I would even do something as far as going to a medical intuitive, if good ones even exist!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I apologize if I’m coming across as negative. I just really needed to get this off my chest. Thanks again and have a good day.

Hi Riley,
Sorry to hear youre having such a bad time. I’m assuming it’s the Erythomelalgia that’s the main cause of your pain? If so, have you tried (the rather unlikely-named) Bob’s Protocol? It has been around for a while, it’s drug-free, costs nothing and you do it at home. FINALLY the Mayo Clinic have started recommending it!
Sounds crazy, because it goes against the grain. You have to stop ALL cooling and soak your feet for 20 mins in warm water (100°F) before bed. It sounds easy, but it can be very uncomfortable at first. What it does is recalibrate your body’s perception of heat. It starts working quite quickly, but you have to do it every evening. There is a Facebook community called “Erythromelalgia, Fight Fire With Fire”, which is run by fellow sufferers and has some really helpful advice. All I can say is that it has helped me enormously. I now wear shoes and socks again and live a normal life. Good luck. James

Hi Riley,
Sorry to hear about your suffering.
If you use your search engine to find physicians recommended for Erythromelalgia you will see there are several recommendations for New York.
At the moment I use several pain medications but I am 71 years old and I can understand your reluctance to use these.
Sorry to be blunt, but try to watch your diet carefully and maintain a healthy weight.
Try swimming at your local pool.
You will see many more of my posts under KIWI in the search engine on this site.
Currently I am well controlled on Paracode, 2 at 4.30 pm, 3 pregabolin 25mg same time, also 1 loratadine 10mg, 1 tramadol 50mg.
Then at 9 pm I take 2 more paracode, 3 more pregabolin, 1 more tramadol.
Don’t despair, you will eventually work out a solution.
Bobs protocol definitely worth a go.
Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions.
I will pray for you Riley.
Take care,
Kind regards,