Hi, I’m going through a really tough time right now and would really appreciate any feedback, suggestions, or words of encouragement. I’ve been dealing with anxiety for most of my life, and I’ve developed a high tolerance for emotional and mental pain. But physical pain? That’s another story. Last night, I spent almost the entire evening crying, overwhelmed by a burning sensation and feeling completely hopeless and terrified about my future. I don’t know how to manage this pain.
It was triggered by something as simple as being on my feet for 20 minutes at the grocery store, and I just can’t seem to find relief. I feel like no doctor truly understands what’s going on or how to treat my symptoms. I have appointments coming up in May and June, but until then, I’m feeling lost. It might sound dramatic, but I can’t help feeling like my life is permanently changed, and my quality of life is slipping away. I keep wondering: how will I cope with this every day? Will I ever get to go to Disney World again (I love Disney, by the way)? Will I ever be able to dance at a wedding with my big Italian family? Or take my niece and nephew to the zoo? Right now, even a grocery store visit feels like too much.
I’m scared, and it’s starting to trigger my anxiety even more. I really want to understand what’s happening with my body and why this is happening. Once I know, I’ll do everything I can to get better. I’m also dreading the summer because I can’t tolerate heat at all.
If you have any book recommendations, podcasts, breathing techniques, or alternative medicine suggestions that might help with chronic pain, I would be so grateful. I need to learn how to manage my pain. I would even do something as far as going to a medical intuitive, if good ones even exist!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I apologize if I’m coming across as negative. I just really needed to get this off my chest. Thanks again and have a good day.