Bedjet has helped

Hello everyone

I wanted to share this product that I tried. It’s a bed jet. Really a bedfan. It is pricy. But if you order through the company that give you sixty days and few return. Costs you nothing if you return. It’s worth a shot to see of it helps you. The air comforter they offer really makes it work better. It’s two good quality sheets sewn together and it’s not thick and heavy like arwgular comforter so don’t be concerned about the word comforter.

I have tried in different positions etc and different Temps. It definitely does help in the winter for me. I have to play around with some more to see if it can help in the summer time as I have my feet hanging out of the blanket now because it’s too hot.

The company is very friendly and helpful. They were very understanding about my condition and worked with me. It’s worth the price to have the companyscustoner service be so helpful. They even offered to extend my warranty to see of it could help me further.

Here is the link.

Check it out.

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I will definitely check it out! Thank you!