? Chest ? Lyrica

Hi All, Just looking for some feedback. After developing EM symptoms in My foot and lower leg following injury, I remember having a rash on my chest that was red hot and itchy. I called it my prickly pumpkin rash. I couldn’t figure the pattern but thought it was related to the sun as it usually flared when the weather warmed up. Do you think this may have been EM? I haven’t had the rash now for 3 years. Also I’ve been prescribed 25mg lyrica to try which I haven’t started yet. I react to antidepressant meds and tramadol with like bipolar symptoms. Ive heard rotten things about Lyrica. What kind of side effects do others get from lyrica? I hear it can trigger mood changes. Thanks everyone :no_good_woman:

I tale 75mg of lyrics 3x day and have been for months. It helps it really does but side effects are significant. I can fall asleep putting on make up, working at my computer, etc. So far I’ve had no issues driving but it’s only 10 min. to work. The other significant side effect is confusion or not being able to stay focused. I have to write everything down at work or I get nothing done and I still know my productivity is way down. Lyrics is 5x better than gabapentin though. I tried to back down on the dose and immediately started having pins and needles again. What seems to work for me is cymbalta, Lyrica, & CBD oil. The only other thing I would like to add is mexilitene but non of my Drs know anything about the drug other than it has a black box warning. I wrestle every day about the Lyrica. I had been 75% done with writing a novel and I’ve struggle to finish it on these drugs. If you do it start slow.

Thanks for the info. What you have said sounds like the reasons I have been reluctant so far. I know of people who use lyrica for ‘recreational use’. If you start taking it, do you have to wean off it like an antidepressant or can you miss a day or two?

Tramadol and antidepressants had me up for days at a time, fully conscious when I was asleep, elevated mood and suicidal. Until they worked this all out, they just increased dosages when my symptoms got more severe, making them more severe. Its taken years to recover.

I have an appointment next week with GP so need to start to find out I guess.

Thanks for sharing, Sharyn

I take pregabalin (lyrica) 225mg at night and find it very helpful with no significant side effects. A very slow buildup in dose is recommended to establish the minimum effective dose, providing you are tolerating it. You won’t know until you try, but go slooowly, under supervision of your doc. It’s a case of balancing the potential benefits against the risk of side effects. As long as the benefits are significant most of us are comfortable with the small risks. As with driving a car are most people happy to take the risk to get wherever.

Lyrica is not addictive like benzodiazepines (eg valium) or narcotics, but it is best to take as prescribed and similarly to increasing dose it’s best to wean off slowly too, with guidance from your doc. Same goes for antidepressants.

Best to you
Stan (GP)

Thanks Stan. I did speak to the pharmacist, I just forgot to ask this question. I took the first tablet this evening, only 25mg and see GP Wednesday. I notice the nerves are carrying on a bit tonight. I’m also on Norspan 40mcg. Lyrica just makes me worry mostly because of the mood changes it ‘might’ cause. But I’ve got to try something. GP wants me to be reviewed by the surgeon since injury was 01/18 and still painful.

Thanks again, Sharyn

Georgie -

I hope the lyrica helps you without adverse side effects. I too started with 25 mg capsules. I am very sensitive to anything that might be trigger depression so like you I was very cautious. One thing my doc told me is that if you are experiencing adverse side effects, a slower ramp up might prove helpful. I have bought empty capsules in the past to split up cymbalta and lyrica capsules to make slower ramp ups possible. With the slower ramp up of lyrica I still had side effects unfortunately, but this method did help me tolerate cymbalta much better. Of course check with your doc/pharm about this. Good luck.

Update: thanks for the replies. I spent the first week on 25mg then up to 50mg. No relief yet. And a funny taste in my mouth. After speaking with the GP again and doing a little more research, we found lyrica is also used in the UK for bipolar and anxiety for those who can’t have SSRIs. Its not subsidized in Australia for this use. So I’m feeling a little more comfortable about trying it. And since I also have fibromyalgia, I’m hopeful. I think it may be helping the anxiety a little. Time will tell.
Thanks everyone. Regards Sharyn

Hi georgiegirl. I am using Lyrica now for nearly a year. There is unfortunately side effects but I did not get any mood changes. It makes you a bit drugged at first but your body gets used to it in time. There is weight gain, I gained about 2 - 3 kg in the time I started taking it. I think all everyone does not get the same side effects. I am not sure that a low dose like 25 mg might really help. I started on 75 mg in the evening together with a low dose of Amytriptiline, 10 mg. Apparently it works better taking together. After a month or so I started taking another dose of 75 m in the morning. The first morning it really affected me, I had to lie down for about half an hour. But my body adapted to it after a short while. but it really helps for my EM! You have to choose between the side effects and the EM.

Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences. CertaInly helped me have the courage to try lyrica. I could probably do to put on a couple of kg. I’ve lost alot of weight this year with continuous stress. I’ve got a script for 10mg amitriptyline so maybe I’ll try that too. Particularly since this lyrica seems to have settled my mood a little. Although only 50mg at the moment, I haven’t had the side effects I was so scared of. Regards Sharyn

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Im now on 75mg at night. I’m sure lyrica is waking me up. I was so tired last night. Took lyrica and was up till 6.30am. WHY???
I’m finding my balance is off (I hope I dont fall again) and I cant find words and sometimes the wrong words.
The anxiety is noticeably better. The pain and symptoms remain the same.

The GP I have been seeing has left Sad because he was interested in mental health I saw another GP that he recommended to get a repeat prescription for lyrica. This doctor is familiar with EM… So with limited time, we briefly discussed my symptoms and he said there are differentials to consider. Finally a GP who I can work with who understands pain and EM/ CRPS.