
Hi to everyone. I wanted to let you know that I received the "chilipad" mattress pad i had ordered online late yesterday and hooked it up last night.

I'll admit I'm a bit creeped out by turning on and leaving on any unfamiliar electronic device overnight (especially one containing water and connected to both my body and an electrical outlet), so I admit I cranked the cooling device on enough to cool the bed down to hi 60ºs before bed. then shut it off. I overheated overnight as usual, but today... TODAY!!! I turned the cooler down to about 64º, and while my daughter went to school, and while the mercury here climbed to 108ºF, I napped on this lovely bed which kept the side in contact nice and cool while my fan blew straight on my feet. and I slept. I don't know how long it has been since I've actually slept more than 1-2 hours without waking up writhing in burning agony, but I did today. I'm REALLY looking forward to getting some real sleep tonight :)

I think I've already stated that I'm a pharmacist (albeit on disability currently) so I am not affiliated with any companies I link here. I just want others who suffer from this ridiculously painful and awful thing to have more info , in case it helps them. so, for anyone who wants further info, here are some links:
