Now I am trying a low oxalate diet, my urologist put me on it. I wish I had done it gradually, but the doctor didn’t tell me that.
Apparently, if you do this suddenly, then the body decides it is a great time to get rid of the oxalate it has been putting into your cells as a way of dealing with high oxalate levels. And so then you get a whole lot of oxalate (the stuff that left your cells) now running around in your bloodstream. And you get sick. This process starts a few days or a week after starting the low oxalate diet.
As for me, after a week of great overall health improvement, my EM went totally nuts for a week and a half. That inner heat, fever-like stuff that my whole body deals with occasionally stepped up to high gear. And nothing helped. Tons of stomach pains, nausea, weakness, and overall misery too. And my feet were constantly on fire - and cold didn’t even help.
So I found a low oxalate support group and they explained the chemistry and what was going on, and what vitamins help. I took the vitamins that night and by the next morning had an 80% improvement in symptoms and heat. My stomach is gradually getting better, but the heat was back to my normal. My feet are back to normal also, which is not great but at least better than the previous week.
Because having a lot of oxalate in my blood stream (presumably) made my EM flare so terribly, I have a bit of hope that this low oxalate diet might help my EM once I have stabilized.
I will let you know. If any of you happened to decide to try it, go very slow when reducing oxalate in your diet so this process can be gradual and comfortable.