Do you have any travel tips by car?

Hello everyone. Since I’m new on here I should probably give a little more info along with my question, so bear with me as this may get a little long. (My husband’s a retired Naval officer and is always telling me I ‘m too verbose. :-/) Although my first post, I've been meaning to ask this question for some time. I'd hoped to make a trip last June to a family reunion, but as temperatures rose and it became more uncomfortable for me to go outside or get into a hot car, I just gave the idea up. (By any chance is there is anyone else in the group that is in their mid-60s?) I also have venous insufficiency with lymphedema complications, and so, combined with the EM, can no longer drive, since we live in the country and everything is a distance away. Anyway, here is how I must travel: I lay on the back seat with my feet elevated on a leg rest cushion covered with plastic or topped with a Chillow if it’s hot, and the AC blowing at them. That way, when we arrive at our destination – usually just Sunday morning church, which fortunately starts at 8:30 am – I am able to stand, or sit in a chair with my feet in another chair, and make it all through the hour plus service. Or, rarely, I may go to our local Walmart, which doubles for a mall in our area – at least they have electric carts or I wouldn’t be able to go there either.

My dear husband has also put a sunscreen material on the side windows of our cars, and the back of one, but I can still feel the sun's heat (especially at our higher elevations of 5 - 6000 feet) burning through it! And if we stop for gas the car heats up so quickly! I dread going anywhere. But we are planning a short trip to see our sons and their families in September, and then a big family trip in December to take our 3 little granddaughters to Disney World for the first time. Granted the one in December I certainly won't have the heat issues for the trip, but there will be the travel to and from the parks and getting into a hot car. (We've gone to DW in Dec. in the past and it gets into the 70s F.)

I really want to look forward to this trip! Everyone else is, but I’m pretty much, well, maybe not dreading it, but am not feeling really enthused about it. Disney World is one of our favorite places to visit, and we have been waiting for our granddaughters to be old enough to go! In 2012 I managed the parks in an electric scooter and used an umbrella to shield my feet & legs when we were there. But that was before I knew what was going on with my body, and I wasn’t having flares like I am now. I'm not really complaining. I love to spend time with my family, and really enjoy DW too! It's just that things have changed dramatically for me over the past almost two years, and I simply see more challenges to this trip.

Anyway, if you all have any recommendations for making car travel more comfortable - in the back seat as I've said, I would REALLY appreciate hearing them! Or visiting family perhaps – as we will be in September? How do you manage that? Thank you!

Hi, Hubby and I are doing a big car trip in September to meet up with our kids and grandkids for a family holiday. It seems like you have covered most of what I'd do to keep as cool as possible. Except for turning on the AC a good 5 to 10 minutes before you get into the car. So it,so nice and cool when you get in. We drive early mornings and break up the trip overnight in motels somewhere near the water so I can have a swim. I did have the thought that one of those dark colored uv mesh things they put on the back seat windows to protect bubs in car seats from the sun may help drop the sun burning feeling. Just a thought.


I wish I had more advice but all I have is cooling the car before getting in and for quick trips to the store. I take my car key off the FOB so I can leave the car running with the doors locked so no one steals it. I rarely leave my home when it is warm but if need be I run out turn on the AC and get back in my house while locking it with the FOB. Same for a quick 5-10 min store trip...I just leave it running with AC on and lock it with FOB.

I hope your trip goes well and you are able to enjoy it. Best of luck to you.

Take care,


Thanks Blue, it so happens my Hubby has come home with some sunshades to try out in the back window. I'll let you know if they help.


blue said:

Hi, Hubby and I are doing a big car trip in September to meet up with our kids and grandkids for a family holiday. It seems like you have covered most of what I'd do to keep as cool as possible. Except for turning on the AC a good 5 to 10 minutes before you get into the car. So it,so nice and cool when you get in. We drive early mornings and break up the trip overnight in motels somewhere near the water so I can have a swim. I did have the thought that one of those dark colored uv mesh things they put on the back seat windows to protect bubs in car seats from the sun may help drop the sun burning feeling. Just a thought.


Thanks for a lot of great ideas like the chillow. I would also like to suggest a cooling cloth that stays cool for many hours. You can put it around your neck or extremity ,to cool down for hours. I have one and it works great. You can find them online or in hardware stoes .Thank you, Cindy G.

I just read a handy hint about driving with EM - spray water on your hot areas while in a car - with air con turned on. Not recommended while you are driving. I suspect that would work for me beautifully especially if I adjusted the air vents so they are directed to my neck arms legs and feet.


Thanks, blue! That is a good idea! I could keep the spray bottle chilled, too, so that would help even more after getting into a not-very-cooled-off car. The sun shades my hubby bought have actually been quite helpful. We managed to cover pretty much all of the window with just a few gaps where their rounded corners meet the square window corners.


blue said:

I just read a handy hint about driving with EM - spray water on your hot areas while in a car - with air con turned on. Not recommended while you are driving. I suspect that would work for me beautifully especially if I adjusted the air vents so they are directed to my neck arms legs and feet.


Thanks for the reminder of those cloths, Cindy! I used them many years ago and forgot about them - they could be helpful too! :-)


cgerula said:

Thanks for a lot of great ideas like the chillow. I would also like to suggest a cooling cloth that stays cool for many hours. You can put it around your neck or extremity ,to cool down for hours. I have one and it works great. You can find them online or in hardware stoes .Thank you, Cindy G.