Dry, cracked, wrinkly hands

Does anyone have dry, cracked, wrinkling hands? I know I've asked this question before but never received an answer. My hands sweat because of the heat and I believe that causes the dryness. It's this dryness that causes me fits. I don't experience pain from the heat ...yet. Just wonder if anyone has used a product that relieves the dryness of the hands. I use Hylatopic Plus but it doesn't seem to do anything...after a few minutes the dry, cracked skin returns...unless I'm having a flare and then my hands are sweaty. It's a vicious circle.

Hi Cindy , my hands are ALWAYS dri ed out & cracked & Chapped . I don't Know if it is from heat or flaring or Washing my hands 100 times / day but it does get old Fast !

If You Live in the US , you can go to a Pharmacy & purchase either or both A-Mantle ( AKA acid mantle ) , & AMlactin. Those will help restore Moisture + Balance to skin.


thanks, Linda, for the advice on the creams. Do they help you? I've tried so many types of creams, and nothing seems to work. I appreciate your response because I was starting to think that I was alone with the dry, cracking hands symptom.

hi Cindy, you are definitely not alone on the cracking and peeling thing! my fingers and finger tips get so bad that the slightest pressure can open the cracks and make them bleed. I use the acid mantle (also sold as AMantle but same product) frequently on my fingertips when this happens because it seems to work fairly well, doesn't sting, and isn't heavy. I will use the amlactin (available as both cream or lotion, and both otc and rx) most often in the winter because it is so heavy. my hands get so hot al the time in the summer that the thought of a highly emollient product on them holding in the heat just puts my nerves on edge! feel free to pm me if you have any questions that maybe you didn't get answered on the discussion board. I'm a pharmacist by training and while there is a LOT I don't know, I can often find answers if I need to :)

good luck!


Hi Cindy,

I'm new to this sight. I also have very dry cracked hands. It hurts to close my hands sometimes and the skin on the ends of my fingers peel and it is painful. The doctors think I have EM and having been looking to see if I have scleroderma, but now they think it is Chilbain Lupus because I get blisters on my toes. I have used the Hylatopic emollient foam which is a prescription but it did not really work. I use vani-cream because it is free of all the bad stuff and it works ok but the dryness never goes away. Do you just have EM?


Yes, my Dermatologist thinks I have EM, but I have no pain...just redness and heat. I have some dryness on my feet, but no blisters or anything like that. I have a feeling EM affects everyone differently. Hoping I never experience the pain that most people on this site endure. Do you have pain in your hands and feet? I'm going to try to stay away from oral prescription drugs unless I start experiencing pain. Would love to find an external treatment for my hands.

Linda...I use a product called theraplex emollient. It sounds like the amlactin that you mention in your post because its very thick and sticky. I usually put Hylatopic Plus on first and then follow with the emollient. I know what you mean when you say you hate to put the heavy emollient on when its hot. UGH. It's gross. I can't say that anything has helped...but if I don't keep something on, my hands are so dry it hurts to touch anything.

lindaizias said:

hi Cindy, you are definitely not alone on the cracking and peeling thing! my fingers and finger tips get so bad that the slightest pressure can open the cracks and make them bleed. I use the acid mantle (also sold as AMantle but same product) frequently on my fingertips when this happens because it seems to work fairly well, doesn't sting, and isn't heavy. I will use the amlactin (available as both cream or lotion, and both otc and rx) most often in the winter because it is so heavy. my hands get so hot al the time in the summer that the thought of a highly emollient product on them holding in the heat just puts my nerves on edge! feel free to pm me if you have any questions that maybe you didn't get answered on the discussion board. I'm a pharmacist by training and while there is a LOT I don't know, I can often find answers if I need to :)

good luck!
