For Jessa24 - but all can read

Hi Jessa,

I was reading the thread about which doctor diagnosed you - and I saw that you are the one who recommended Dr. Joseph Jorizzo. I live in NYC and I have booked an appointment with him for next Friday, June 6th. I am wondering when you saw him and if you can tell me at all whether you have seen any improvement or at least no worsening.

Mads passed his name to me - I think others have seen him too. I am so nervous because as with most of us this is my 12 doctor to see since 2012. I am grateful to have the name of someone who will finally understand but I am strangely nervous about the appointment- like there is lots of pressure to "get this one right".

Thanks in advance for any advice...


Best of luck with the appointment, Jordy!

Thank you so much Dancermom! I have my fingers crossed!


dancermom said:

Best of luck with the appointment, Jordy!

Good luck Jordy. We will all be thinking of you on June 6th. Positive energy!

God bless
