Fundraiser for research/if you like to say thanks

Hello! Here is a link for a fundraiser in Massachusetts. If you live in Mass or NH come on by!

If not, I thought it would be nice for a few EMers to write a thank you to those that are donating gift baskets and gift cards. You can view the actual facebook invite by typing
“It’s time to put the fire out” but pick the date August 18th. Or search “Paula with Erythromelalgia” on facebook and you will find it on my page.

Comments will appear in that invite and names will not be used. Just the first initial and the state/country you live in.

Let’s show this community how much we appreciate their efforts to do a fundraiser to help all of us !!! So awesome !

Leave your comments below and where you live. Thanks !

I’m not close by, but my birthday was yesterday and Facebook allows you to set up a fundraiser for it. I chose Erythromelalgia research for mine :slight_smile:

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bringing this back up as the event is this weekend !

I received a lot of thank you from the other forums so I am reaching out again to see if anyone
would like to add their thank you to the strangers that are fundraising for research for us all.

The window of opportunity to say your thank yous that will be hung up at the event will end by Friday at 4:00 p.m. so that it will provide us enough time to print out each thank you on a single paper with large font. Remember only your first letter of your name will be showed and your state. Thank you ! I will take lots of pics !