Looking for doctor in Arkansas or Oklahoma

I am looking for a doctor with knowledge of EM in Arkansas or Oklahoma. I live in Fayetteville,Ar but would be willing to drive to Little Rock, Tulsa, Ok or Oklahoma City. Right now my doctor is Dr Davis at the Mayo clinic in Minnesota, which is a good 10 hour drive. He is wonderful but I won’t be able to see him on a regular basis. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Dear Mwalk,

We have a Dr Zahid Cheema


Oklahoma Saints Neurology
535 North West
9th Street,
Suite 235
Oklahoma City,
OK 73102


Let us know if you need more help

Big hug


Thank you, Mads!

You are welcome. Let Alina, Nel or myself know if you need any further help with anything. Also, do please keep us informed of how you get on.

Good luck!

God bless
