Here are some questions in no particular order:
I have not been officially diagnosed with EM, but it sure seems to fit my symptoms! What, if anything, can be misdiagnosed (so far just by me) as EM? 68 years old, generally fit and I just got my own bloodwork from Healthcheck USA. No diabetes, no pre-diabetes even, normal uric acid, everything excellent except for low T and elevated PSA typical of a male my age. I don't have muscle or joint discomfort except somewhat as the aftermath of extreme exercise -- cycling up 20% grade hills etc, and I recover from that quickly. I did see a P.A. at my dermatologists office and she pointed out a couple blue toes at that time consistent with Raynaud's, which is consistent with EM. There is no EM in my family that I am aware of. I am going back to see not the PA, but the actual dermatologist who says she is familiar with EM.
At my visit to the dermatologist's office it was suggested I might want to get a foot biopsy. I am not necessarily against this, but do not know what it would be looking for and what it could reveal that would cause me to do something importantly different. I would like to be better informed about this before I go back in. (I am not sure they will even push it at that time.)
Blood work? I got a very comprehensive "Men's Panel" recently, but wonder what additional bloodwork might be relevant to confirming a diagnosis of EM or finding out what other condition is primary to it.
Magnesium and Alpha Lipoic Acid have either helped immensely or the condition went into relative remission by coincidence -- this despite Texas hot weather is starting to kick in. I suffer no perceptible side effects from either one. I don't think i was getting results from aspirin or ibuprofen. Others' experience with magnesium?
I take gabapentin (moderate dose) at night which is supposed to control periodic leg movement disorder and aid sleep. My feet never burn at night nor in the morning. I wonder if the onset, (minimal lately) in the mid to late afternoon of EM could actually be withdrawal caused by Gabapentin dependence? I am considering tapering the gabapentin back as an experiment. I only take it before bed. Perhaps I should also take it in the day, perhaps not at all?
Exercise is supposed to be a trigger? But I never have a much of a problem on long bike rides. In fact, I can have a little itching and burning and go on a bike ride and EM goes away.
Best kind of doctor? Sad to say, my general practitioner is burnt out and has got to the point of prescribing things just to appease his patients and I don't know how to find the kind of GP I would be comfortable with. I do have an excellent relationship with my dermatologist and think she may be my best bet, other than researching and taking charge myself. I will be involved and proactive in any case -- I have always had better luck with medical issues being involved than blindly doing things suggested to me whether or not they make any sense.
My EM, (if indeed that is what it is) is far from debilitating at this time and I almost feel guilty being on this board with my questions when other suffer so much more. My heart goes out to those who are forced to take massive doses of painkillers etc. just to make it through the day.
Well, you know a little bit about me and feel free to ask for more. Thanks in advance!