Purple tint on my lower legs

Hi everyone, in the recent months I've noticed my lower legs (knees and below) turning from a red to a more purple tint when I take my compression hoes off at night :( i'm a little worried that i'm totally obliterating my nerves and they won't be able to ever go back to normal in the future. Any opinions or thoughts?? I have my fan on the majority of the day, especially when I get flare ups.

I have my fan on even before flare ups in hopes to prevent them getting really hot. I've also noticed that my heels get hotter than any other part of my feet/legs, and I'll experience one leg/foot being hotter than the other. Do these things happen to anyone else??

Let me know, hopefully i'm just being paranoid.


I've also noticed that my heels get hotter than any other part of my feet/legs, and I'll experience one leg/foot being hotter than the other.

No, your are not paranoid. The same thing happens to me. When i walk and my feet get hotter, usually the flare starts from one part of the foot of one leg. Then it grows and invades my feet completely.

Hi Kelsey no your definitely not been paranoid it’s something I get on daily basis. If I not bright red. I am blue purple and red. It just depends. I have a few photos on here. Your welcome to take a look to see if you feel better once seeing them x