Sympathetic Nerve Block Questions

Hi everyone:
I have a few questions about sympathetic nerve blocks for EM. I had one done about 10 days ago on the left side. The weird thing is that temp readings in both feet went down after the procedure. I did notice that my left foot had slightly less pain, and seemed to be less stiff after the procedure.
Post procedure I have also noticed that my right foot/leg seems to have slightly more pain and seems to swell noticeably more than my left foot.
I’m not sure if this is exactly a success or not - they did say that it may take a series of these to help calm down the nerves. Has anyone else had this procedure done, and was it helpful?

Hello Gardengirl,
I want to wish you all the best with these procedures. I am thinking about having this procedure as well.
I recently saw a vascular surgeon. Not sure if I asked him about the procedure you had. I asked about “surgery” to cut off the pain.
He said “don’t go there”. He was not too helpful to me but told me not to sit around and rest too much because it’ll impact my MS. I’m between a rock and a hard place. With the MS and the arthritis I get awfully stiff if I don’t move myself. I have no tolerance for exercise so I move by slowly taking care and cleaning my home like I always did. It’s getting very taxing with the EM recently.
Please let us know how the second procedure goes. May God bless you with relief.

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Hi Ive been getting sympathetic blocks like once a year. Usually when the warmer weather hits, I know it’s time to get one. It definitely has been helping me. I didn’t get one yet this year because of other issues but I just told my husband I definitely have to schedule it. My feet have been red hot and burning. If only there were answers to all this crazy stuff we have to put up with just to try and get some relief.

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Hi Everyone;
I did have some success…but maybe only a 20-30% improvement in pain levels. Every little bit helps though. Still having issues with the ruptured discs in my lower back as well. I am not yet conviythat part of my problem stems from that as well. I am also diabetic, but well controlled with diet and oral meds- neuropathy from diabetes cannot be ruled out, but it seems odd that it is so bad with decent control. I also have been diagnosed with Reynauld’s and EM. I’m not sure anyone really knows what the issue is…or maybe it is all of them…who knows??

Can u get nerve blocks for your hands?

maybe look into stellate ganglion block?

I had one done not too long ago. Procedure was quick and easy. (Not sure if I’m going to continue with the other side or in the future) Would only help if pain has a sympathetic component